Chapter 1

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So this is my first story I have ever published, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. I don't really know what else to say but I hope you will enjoy!:) (does contain strong use of language throughout)
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I woke up to the sun beaming through my pure velvet curtains. It was a Friday morning, I was finally finishing school for the holidays. It was my final year at school and I had been under a lot of stress lately with my final exams. It was 1987 and despite the amount of stress I had been under it had ultimately been a great year so far.

"Jess!" My mum yelled from the bottom of the stairs, "get up Liam is about to walk in any second!" Right on cue my tall, blonde and handsome boyfriend walked through the door. "Hey baby" he said in a husky voice, I glanced at my alarm clock which had unfortunately failed to wake me up with its blaring beeping. "Shit" I cursed and swung my legs out from underneath the covers, standing up I glanced over at Liam who was now fixing his messy hair in my mirror.

He caught my glance and I smiled, giving him an apologetic look, "sorry babe" I said and walked over to my closet. "No worries love" he walked over to my bed then plonked down. I could feel his gaze on my bare legs, since the weather was warmer I decided to just wear an over sized Guns N' Roses top - my favorite band. I picked out a black crop top, denim shorts, a pair of black combat boots and my favorite leather jacket.

I rushed into the bathroom closing the door behind me, no time to shower this morning. I brushed my teeth whilst picking out my makeup which only consisted of black eyeliner, mascara and some red lipstick. I applied my makeup once I had finished brushing my teeth and washing my face then I quickly brushed my hair and scraped it back into a high ponytail, leaving a few front strands loose.

I walked out and looked at Liam who glanced up from his phone, looked me up and down then deeply into my eyes before saying, "you look beautiful today baby." He then proceeded to stand up and strolled over to me, "thanks babe, not so bad yourself" I replied with a wink. I pecked his lips and we were out the door. "Bye mom!" I quickly shouted before slamming it shut.

I rushed up to Liam's car and hopped in the passenger side, "you ready?" He asked and looked over at me, "yes" I smiled back. I put the radio on and on came 'Welcome To The Jungle' by Guns N' Roses. I was beaming ear to ear and singing the music as loud as I possibly could. Liam laughed but soon joined in, I love the fact my boyfriend is also a fan of Guns N' Roses. We arrived at school and hurried in. It was now 9:15am and classes had already started. Me and Liam kissed, said our goodbyes then headed in our separate ways to our classes. He had English and I had physics, great.

I reached my destination then hurried in. "I'm so sorry I'm late!" I panted like a dog from running up the stairs so quickly which of course earned a glare from Mr Johnson. "Sit!" He shot back rather sternly pointing to an empty seat which happened to be right next to my best friend-perfect!

"Hey!" Katie beamed at me, "I have some exciting news..." She exclaimed as I placed my notebook down on the table and dropped my bag on the floor. "Go ahead?" I replied back waiting for the exciting news and wondering what it could be, "... Guns N' Roses..." she paused and took in a long breath before continuing "... Are coming here, tomorrow!" She practically shouted the last part.

I grinned ear to ear, how could I not know this? "And I have got us tickets!" She continued, a few heads turned but we were both quick to brush them off. "Shut up Katie, there are actually, surprisingly, people in here who want to do well!" Mr Johnson stated sarcastically. Grumpy bastard.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. I literally wanted to jump up on the table and start dancing right now, I could not fucking wait!

The rest of the lesson was a bore and decided to go by where each second feeling like a minute. We just spoke all about tomorrow for the rest of the lesson, what to wear, how to do our hair, any crazy plans we could attempt to meet them and we worked out the timings for everything.

Welcome To My Night Train   (Slash/Guns N' Roses Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now