Chapter 4

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An awkward few moments passed before we all got chatting, Steven was asking us multiple questions about ourselves and we held off asking them any questions. Don't ask me why, I just felt like the typical fan if we did that.

So instead I decided to change the topic, "so are you guys looking forward to tonight?" Slash cocked his head to one side and chuckled I was about to ask what when Steven piped in, "yes!" He started grinning like a small child and I giggled.

"Are you?" Slash asked from across the table, it kind of caught me off guard he hadn't said anything really, "yes it will cheer this one up" Katie was slurring her words and I looked at her, she was clearly drunk and I was ready to walk out.

"How come?" Slash asked Katie, I tried to catch Katie's eye and mouth to her to shut up but she didn't look once at me. "Liam is a prick, and that is all I can say" Katie said back. I felt like crying.

I looked down at my drink and then chugged it down. I really wanted to forget that comment. Slash took his glasses off and I felt his eyes on me. He tapped the ash of his cigarette into the dirty old tray.

"He ain't worth shit" I heard Izzy say next to me I looked at him and he gave me a genuine smile. The corners of my lips rose for a few seconds and I looked at Katie.

"Told you so" she basically shouted from across the table, the bar had gotten quite busy by now. I could still feel Slash's gaze on me. He was quite intimidating, I didn't know whether I enjoyed it or not.

As if the drink had finally started to slowly kick in I realized that a member was missing from the table.

"Where's Axl?" I questioned to anybody who would listen, "honestly, we have no idea sometimes before shows he prefers to mind his own business" Steven replied then smiled cheerily afterwards. I shadowed his smile, he was such a lovely boy. Probably my favorite so far, he seemed the friendliest.

It was now 7:30 and we were just finishing up our round of drinks. "We should get going" I told Katie, she now has her head resting on Duff as he was whispering God knows what in her ear, she seemed genuinely happy and I felt slightly guilty for having to pull her away.

"Wait we'll walk with you, we're going there too anyway" Izzy said looking at the time and placing his empty pint on the table. "Okay" I smiled at him. I stood up rather wobbly and fixed my dress.

I looked at them all individually just as I had when I'd first found them and my gaze stopped at Slash, his hair was out of his eyes and I could see the pair of dark and sexy irises. Needless to say they were on my lower body, this is a moment I was secretly dreaming for since the start of being a fan.

His eyes trailed up my body stopping once more on his way up at my chest then caught me staring at him. Perv. I raised my eyebrows and he smirked, I was more than tipsy by now so I wasn't thinking straight. I have such a huge crush on him anyway so I may as well enjoy it.

Everyone else was now standing and I turned around to head to the door. The air was cold but fresh outside and I felt goosebumps growing on my arms.

The guys were not sober but we're not as drunk as me and Katie, we began walking to the concert which was only a few minutes away.

Everyone was chattering and laughing as I walked a few steps behind, my teeth were chittering from the cold, damn I should've grabbed a jacket.

Slash turned around and waited for me to catch up, Katie was walking with Steven and Duff, they were helping her balance at times which I thought was kind.

I smiled politely at Slash and stumbled slightly as I became closer I let out a giggle and I knew he noticed when he held a hand out for me to grab, I took it without hesitation. "Thank you" I said to him, my words came out slightly slurred. He noticed how cold my hands were and gave me a concerned look before removing his jacket off himself and put it on me, I smiled at him and he returned it.

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