Chapter 5

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The room was filled with sweat, cheers and screaming fan girls. Me and Katie had ordered a few shots which we chugged down one by one forcing the burning liquids into our throats.

I felt my bodies tension die down until it was non existent and me and Katie were dancing crazily. We had originally planned to go up front to the audience but we seemed to be having much more fun at the back.

A few minutes into the concert and me and Katie were drunk, dancing and having the time of our lives. Everyone was going crazy and I felt so lucky to be experiencing this.

"Let's just stay back here?" Katie shouted above the music, slurring her words slightly, I leaned in a little to shout back to her, "good idea!" We continued dancing, laughing and drinking as the guys played there astonishing music.

I could feel little beads of sweat forming across my forehead but I really couldn't care less, this was a night never to be forgotten and I was having so much fun to care about what I looked like.

The whole performance could not have been better and we were finally coming down to the final song of the night 'Night Train', one of my favorites. I looked at Katie and she looked back knowing exactly what I was thinking.

The whole crowd was so crazy and we both knew exactly what each other were thinking, we ran up to the closest table and jumped up onto it, we were laughing our heads off and dancing like lunatics.

I looked at the band and I saw Slash was smiling at us, his hat was on the left side of the stage as he was on the right and he had his hands scraping his hair back, giving everyone a perfect view of his beautiful face.

I smiled back and then broke the eye contact, me and Katie began dancing again like crazy whipping our hair everywhere and throwing our hands about.

The end of the song was coming. Up and we were jumping up and down like crazy. An enormous roar of cheers, screams and clapping hands arose from the room which practically burst my ear drums. Despite the fact I could be deaf now for a few days, it was the best time of my life and I would happily do this every single night.

"Shall we just stay on here until most of the people go so we can get to that room again easily?" Katie shouted over the crowd of people. "Yes, good idea" I shouted back.

We decided to just sit on the table and watch everyone leave till the coast was clear. We were waiting for at least 15 minutes, there was still a few people left but we decided to go on up to the room.

We made our way through occasionally stumbling due to the amount of alcohol left in our systems. Although we did stop drinking a while ago so we could be in the slightest bit sober whist sitting with the boys again.

We finally reached the doors and linked our arms together for more support. Thank god our boots' heels weren't too high.

"That was... The best time I've had in fucking ages!" Katie exclaimed as soon as we'd left the still busy room. I laughed and agreed. We made our way along the corridor and found the door we had previously left.

We knocked on it and heard the guys shouting "come on in!" We did as they said and smiled. "That was fucking awesome guys!" I stated and grinned at them Katie nodded enthusiastically, they all smiled back and thanked us both.

Steven stood up and offered us a drink, I would have said no if it weren't for everyone else drinking so I nodded and went to sit on a sofa, still stumbling.

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