Chapter 6

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I heard soft voices filling the rooms silence and I slowly opened my eyes and fluttered my lashes to adjust to the brightness. I was confused about the setting for a few moments before remembering yesterday's events.

I smiled thinking of how amazing it was before sitting up slowly, I looked on the bed I was sleeping on and Slash was nowhere to be seen. "Morning sleepyhead" I looked up and saw Izzy and Axl talking by the door, I smiled at them and stood up.

It was only us three in the room, I stretched and then walked over to them rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. My head started pounding and I groaned and put my head in my hands. "What's up?" Axl asked, "stupid hangovers" I replied back in annoyance.

"Ah do you want some aspirin?" He asked back and him and Izzy turned to start heading down the corridor, I trailed behind them. "Yes please" I said without taking my hands away from my face.

"So how did you sleep?" Izzy asked as we came to a door and Axl opened it. "Good thanks, you?" I replied back quietly, scared to do any more damage to my head, "yeah good" he said back with a smile.

We walked through the room which was empty of people but had a T.V a big sofa and 2 comfy chairs placed either side of the sofa all facing the tv. We walked through another door with a glass frame and came face to face with everyone.

There was a table in the middle of the room and then a counter opposite from me filled with kitchen objects like a toaster, kettle and cutlery.

Duff and Steven were sat opposite each other across the table talking and laughing about something. Katie had her head on the table next to Duff with a cup of coffee placed next to her, Slash was waiting at the toaster leaning against the counter.

He caught sight of me and smiled, I returned his smile shyly. Axl and Izzy went and sat down at the table, leaving one place left. I just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds and smiled at Duff. "Sit?" Izzy said after a few seconds, "what about Slash?" I replied back gesturing to the only place left then looking across the room at him.

"Oh no it's fine I'll eat standing I'm fine" Slash said generously and flashed a grin, aw. I thanked him then slumped down in the seat. I rested my head in my hands for a few seconds before looking up at Axl, "please can I have an aspirin now?" I asked him hesitantly but honestly I was in desperate need of one I had to sit and I had to have one.

"Oh shit yeah sorry I forgot, Slash get some aspirin out? Jess needs some and a glass of water" he said apologetically before placing in his commands to Slash.

"Yes sir" Slash replied and fished out some aspirin and a glass of water, he placed it on the table In front of me. "Here you go madam" he said and I could feel him smirking at me but I couldn't be bothered to look up I felt like absolute shit. "Thank you" I mumbled and chugged down the pills with the water.

"Morning" Katie said and lifted her head off the table, bit late but oh well, "morning" I grumbled back to her and I put my feet up on the chair and hugged my knees.

"What time is it?" I asked anyone who would listen, turns out all of them would and everyone looked up on the wall above the door I walked in, "10:30" everyone replied. I groaned and out my knees onto the floor then dropped my head on the table a thud echoed out and I groaned in pain, "ouch" Slash said and I smiled behind all my hair covering my face.

The room went silent for a moments before people continued on with their previous conversations. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I looked up. Slash was looking down at me smiling, "would you like anything to eat or drink?" He asked, I nodded and then thought for a moment, his hand still placed gently on my shoulder. "A tea please?" I asked him and smiled, "anything else?" He asked before taking his hand off to switch on the kettle and turned back to me.

"Um toast?" I asked hesitantly he placed his hand on the table and on the chair as he stood over me, "what would you like on your toast?" He questioned. "Just butter please" I replied and giggled quietly, this boy made me pretty nervous...

"Coming right up" he said cheerily and turned back around to make it. I smiled at him then put my head back in my hands.

A few minutes later a plate with two slices of golden toast and butter was placed In front of me along with a cup of tea. Slash brought over the sugar, "care for any sugar?" He said in a British accent, I giggled at his cute accent and nodded my head "two please?" He took two spoonfuls out of sugar and dropped it into my tea before stirring it.

"Any more milk?" He asked back in his normal voice, I shook my head, "no that's perfect, thank you" I said and looked up at him smiling.

"Do you girls just want to stick around here today? You might as well" Steven asked grinning at us both looking back and forth to see our reactions, I smiled and looked at the others waiting for their approval which they happily smiled and nodded to. "Sure why not?" I stated rhetorically, I smiled back at them all then continued to eat my breakfast as they were talking about what to do today. It came down to just chilling out here since nobody could actually be bothered to do anything interesting.

I stood up once finishing my breakfast and smiled at them all, I'm going to get ready, "Katie you coming?" I asked her. She looked up, processing what I had asked her for a minute before jumping up from her chair, which was obviously too fast since she slumped back down again.

"Ouch!" She groaned out in pain and put her head in her hands. I placed my empty cup and plate into the dishwasher. "Thank you for breakfast" I said to Slash who was standing next to me leaning against the counter, "you're welcome" he said smirking at me. I walked past him and stopped at the doorway waiting for Katie.

"You just go, I'll catch up with you later" she said quietly and put her head back down on the table. "Okay" I replied, gave a quick smile and wave to them all then walked out of the room and back into the hallway.

• • • • •

This is a bit of an annoying chapter really but I couldn't make it too long so had to break it off at some point:)

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