Chapter 2

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My eyes slowly drifted open and adjusted to the light which filled the room. Katie walked in, "great you're awake, I'm so excited!" She beamed and ripped open the curtains.

I groaned as an even brighter light smacked me in the face. I have never been a morning person. Just the thought of tonight was enough to get me up out of bed today though.

"It's 10:30 which gives us... eight and a half hours to get ready then we need to set off, I think we should set off about an hour earlier just so we can definitely get there on time though." Katie rushed, "We will also have time to pick up some drinks then too!" She finished winking jokingly at me.

I laughed before she continued, "which gives us about seven and a half hours to get ready, oh my! Jess come on get up! There's no time you've slept in!" I rolled my eyes at her before plodding into the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and got in, showers always woke me up properly. I probably spent about 20 minutes in there before getting out and putting some sweats on.

I made my way downstairs to where Katie was eating some cornflakes and watching sponge bob. Which was her favourite show, always has been and always will be. I joined her after getting my own bowl, she looked over at me and smiled.

"Today is going to be amazing!" I nodded my head like mad agreeing my mouthful and finished the cornflakes in my mouth. "I know, I can't wait!" We polished our bowls of cereal then headed upstairs.

"We have to grab their attention tonight and literally do anything to meet them!" Katie practically shouted as we walked to her room. I agreed immediately, "yes! I need Slash in my life forever!" By now it was 11:30 am and we began to collect up our make up and hair products we would be using today.

"Would you mind doing my hair in those big nice curls you do?" Katie pleaded with her puppy eyes, it always works. "Sure, only if you straighten mine after?" I replied back, "okay" she smiled. I plugged in the curling wand as Katie put on some Guns N' Roses music.

I untied her long, brown ponytail and began to brush through it. Her hair was rather long and reached midway down her back, it was a bit shorter than mine but it would still take some time to curl it.

Paradise City came on and she began singing quietly, I was concentrating on getting her curls just right. It took me around 35 minutes to complete all her curls to where I was happy with them. I held a mirror behind her head as she gazed lovingly at the long, loose curls hanging down her back.

I was rather proud of my work of art. "Thank you so much!" She beamed at me thankfully. "It's okay, your turn to straighten mine!" I sat down where she had previously been sitting and waited for her to straighten my hair.

She took out my messy hair from the hair tie and my long blonde hair fell loosely, reaching my lower back. Now it was my turn to sing as she brushed my hair, Mr Brownstone came on and I began belting the lyrics.

My hair only took around 15 minutes to straighten, Katie held up the mirror behind me. My hair looked even lighter than before, reaching right down my back, it complimented my tanned skin and should look great with my black dress.

"Thank you very much!" I smiled at Katie, "you're very welcome" she giggled mimicking my voice slightly jokingly. She turned the music off and began walking out of the room. "Come on I'm so hungry!" She called out to me.

I chuckled and we headed downstairs to make some lunch. We walked into Katie's large kitchen and I glanced at the clock on her wall, it read 12:26 pm, we were doing well for time. "Hmm, how about an omelet?" Katie asked me whilst searching through her fridge. "Sure" I replied and we began to cook the omelet.

Once it was ready I got out the cutlery and Katie placed the two omelets on each plate before we sat down. My phone started to ring as soon as we sat down and I answered it then looked at Katie's I-wonder-who-that-could-be expression.

"Hello?" I asked, "Jess? It's Ellie, I need to tell you something..." Ellie is Liam's step sister, we were rather close really. "Go on?" I waited for her to continue secretly pleading it to be nothing bad, I've never handled bad news well.

"I-er I saw Liam with-um... with another girl..." I silently let out a cry and a tear rolled down my face. I put the phone on speaker to avoid having to tell Katie the news myself. "They were all over each other, Jess I'm so sorry!" Ellie gushed. He's cheating on me? Why? With who? So many thoughts were rushing through me right now.

I was completely unable to speak, my eyes dropped from Katie's horrified expression to my plate and I gently pushed it away before dropping my head on the table and folding my arms across the back of my head.

My nose began tingling and my eyes became soaked by salty water. I really hate crying. I felt Katie's hand gently rubbing up and down my back soothing my slightly. "It's Katie, I'll um take it from here, thank you" Katie had turned off the speaker by now, knowing I do not want to hear any more.

I was crying so much by now, "how could he ever do this to me?" I said as loud as I could in between cries. "Shh" Katie said calmly whilst rubbing my back in small circles. I genuinely thought I actually loved him, and he loved me, and he could do no wrong.I felt so dumb at this moment in time.

Although I was in love with Saul Hudson, he occasionally got annoyed and sometimes even angry when I would talk about Saul, but he knew I would never cheat on him! All of a sudden I became very frustrated, angry and hateful towards Liam, "how could he do this to me? I loved that prick so god damn much!" I yelled to nobody in particular.

"I know babe, he ain't worth shit! Tonight we're going to grab Slash's attention and you're going to get over that son of a bitch!" Katie stated back to me. I looked up at her with my sore eyes and she smiled at me sweetly.

"Come on, lets go and finish getting ready" she said and helped me up. It was now 1:32 pm and we began plodding up the stairs. I put on Night Train, my favourite song. I felt rather gloomy and miserable as I was watching Katie apply some of her skin products, she stood up and was about to walk to the bathroom before I stopped her.

"Katie?" My voice only just heard over Axl's beautiful voice. "Yes?" She asked and turned her head, I started to play with my fingers, feeling slightly guilty and frustrated at how this day has turned out so far. "Would you mind if I take a nap?" I felt exhausted and desperately wanted to escape the cruel reality.

"Of course! I'll wake you in half an hour" She replied respecting all my needs, I was so grateful to have a friend like her. She gave me a warm smile and I attempted to retrieve it which failed, she could see I tried a smile and hers faded slightly.

Instead I thanked her, nodding my head slightly and climbing under the white duvet. I pulled it all the way up to my chin and turned to the side. Finding the music very relaxing I felt a faint, wet tear run down my face and drop onto the pillow. I heard Katie come back from the bathroom brushing her teeth, "I'll turn the music down for you" she whispered and turned the music down.

She then walked back out and my eyes drifted and I fell into a deep slumber slowly forgetting all my worries.

• • • • •
Chapter 2 done:)
Hope you enjoy:p

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