12:15pm, General Hospital Emergency Room

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Nathan was tired and just a little groggy. The events of the morning had caught up with him even though the adrenaline had kept him going for a time. He and Dante talked the shooter down but she was inexperienced with guns and the damn thing had discharged, ricocheting a bullet near him. The scratch on his arm wasn't even from the bullet. It had slammed into a table sending splinters of wood in all directions. One splinter had scraped by him, leaving a large welt on his bicep. On any other day, his reflexes might not have been so slow and he would have been fine. But he was exhausted and paid for it with a wicked scratch.

"Gotta have it looked at, Nathan. You know the rules," Dante had said as they loaded him and Judge Walters into an ambulance. Walters appeared fine but was making a scene about needing medical attention. He relaxed on the way, dozing lightly but waking briefly in the ER to hear Dante tell the doctor how long he had actually been awake. He was aware of the doctor looking at his arm but the sleep took him again and he let himself slip into a nap.

When he woke again, he was still tired but his head was clear. He stretched the full length of the hospital bed, careful of his arm. Elizabeth Webber pulled the curtain back and smiled briefly at him.

"Good, you're awake."

"How long was I out?" Nathan asked rubbing at his eyes.

Elizabeth looked down at his chart, adding a note. "Not too long. An hour I think. Dante said you were finishing a double shift. One of the doctors thought you might benefit from some sleep."

"Thanks. Can I leave then?"

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows and shrugged. "I would say yes, but Dr. Obrecht might have a different opinion. She wants to move you to a private room until you are properly rested."

Nathan rolled his eyes. Why did she have to get involved in everything? He tested his arm gingerly. It ached but wasn't debilitating. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, preparing to stand. All he wanted to do was get home.

"I don't actually care what Dr. Obrecht thinks and I don't want to be here another minute. I'm fine," he remarked getting to his feet. "Is Dante still here?"

Elizabeth smiled. "I think so. He was checking on Judge Walters the last I saw. Do you want me to let him know you're ready to leave?"

"Better let me do it. Plausible deniability might be in your best interest."

She nodded and left the room with his chart in hand. If Dante was still here, he could get a ride back to the station from him. He ducked around the curtain and took his bearings. Epiphany Johnson was at the desk with Elizabeth. She jerked her head to the end of the row of curtains indicating the last one before turning away. They both looked the other way as he headed in that direction. Obviously, they didn't care for his mother's opinion on his health either.

He paused outside the curtain, listening for Dante or the judge's voice. Hearing nothing, he pulled the curtain aside and peered into the space. The bed was empty but the judge's robe and clothes were folded neatly on a chair. He was still around at least. He let the curtain fall and turned to face the waiting room just as Dante stepped off the elevator, coffee in hand.

"Nathan, what are you doing out here?" Dante asked, his face creasing in a frown. "I thought you were being confined to a hospital room for the night by your mother"

"Yeah, not happening," Nathan replied. "I'm fine and I just want to get out of here and go home."

"I don't blame you. How's your arm?"

"It's fine, just a scratch."

Dante nodded. "Good. Well, listen, I still have to get a statement from Judge Walters but if you want to wait around, I can give you a lift." He motioned to the curtained area and both detectives stepped into the empty cubicle.

"You haven't gotten it yet?" Nathan asked, leaning against the wall.

"Nope. Wouldn't talk to me until he was checked out by the doctor. And he wanted to talk to you too." Dante shrugged. "Save the guy's life and he still treats us like crap." They heard voices approaching the curtain. Dante pulled the curtain back and looked outside. "That's an interesting pair. Your mother and Judge Walters talking like old friends."

Nathan straightened and moved to the curtain next to Dante. Whatever it was that Liesl and Walters were talking about, neither of them looked happy. Dante laid a finger to his lips and dropped the curtain. They stood shoulder to shoulder, listening as Obrecht and Judge Walters drew closer.

"I'm done. I will not persecute either of them any more," Walters hissed.

"You will if you want to continue your career. She was at the police station waiting for him. I thought you were to keep them from seeing each other!"

"I did as you asked. But I'm done now. He saved my life today. Besides, legally, I've done everything I can."

"You will continue to do as I tell you! I will not have my son attached to that disrespectful liar. He is better than that." Dante's head swiveled around to stare at Nathan. They exchanged a look of understanding. Liesl Obrecht had a hand in keeping Maxie at arms length from him. "My son is of the utmost importance to me and I will not have his happiness marred by that harlot."

Nathan had had enough. He pulled the curtain aside, glaring at Liesl. Her eyes widened in surprise but she regained her composure quickly. Nathan grabbed her arm and jerked her away from Dante and Judge Walters.

"Nathan! What are you doing here? I gave instructions to move you to a room so you could rest." She pulled herself out of his grip and softened her expression towards him.

"I'm not tired right now. I'd rather hear you explain yourself. Are you the reason Maxie hasn't been able to see her daughter?"

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