12:30pm, General Hospital

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"Answer me," Nathan demanded. Liesl shrank back at his tone for a brief moment. "Are you the reason Maxie was kept from seeing Georgie?"

"Her child is named Georgie? What a perfectly peasant name," Liesl muttered.

"Liesl." Nathan scowled at her and folded his arms over his chest.

"No. I had nothing to do with your roommate losing custody of her infant," Liesl replied in earnest. Nathan's eyes narrowed at her words. One of the things he had learned about his biological mother was that she spoke in half truths. He could believe that she didn't have anything to do with Maxie losing custody of Georgie initially. But after hearing her talking to Walters just now, he could certainly believe she had interfered somehow after the fact.

"Really? Then what do you know about Judge Walters telling us we couldn't see each other?"


"Don't lie to me! I heard you."

"Please, Nathan. You are so tired. You're partner told us how you worked two days with no rest. You should be in bed," she said in a wheedling tone. Nathan shook his head in disgust. She wouldn't tell him the truth if her life depended on it.

"I'll find out the truth whether you tell me or not. I'm pretty sure I can get it out of Walters right about now." He turned to go but Liesl gripped his arm tightly. He looked down at her hand on his arm and then at her. "Let go."

She dropped her hand to her side. "All right. I'll tell you what you want to know," she said softly.

"Did you have anything to do with Judge Walters' using my relationship with Maxie as a threat to keep her from her daughter?" Nathan repeated slowly.

"Yes. I did."

Nathan blinked in surprise. He had known the answer but to hear out loud was staggering. "Why? Why would you do that to her?"

"I wasn't doing it to her," Liesl insisted. "I did it for you!"

Nathan rubbed his forehead. "There it is again. That reason. For me. Why would you purposely hurt someone I care about? How is that supposed to be for me?"

"At the clinic, I saw your determination to save her. Without any thought for your own safety. You shouldn't have been in that clinic at all, Nathan. But you are so honorable that you went after her without knowing the danger you were in. That girl almost got you killed. I won't allow you to be hurt, Nathan. I will protect you. You know that, don't you?"

"So you thought you would protect me by messing with her life? No matter how hard I try, I cannot understand why you do the things you do in my name. Why would you do that?"

Liesl arched an eyebrow at him. "Trust me son, that woman messed up her own life. The lies she has told boggle the mind. You should be pleased not to be involved with her."

"Considering all the lies you've told, I don't think you can judge Maxie."

"I did what I had to do, Son. If I lied, it was to protect someone I love."

"You're delusional." Nathan took a step away trying to calm himself. His own mother had caused all this trouble with the judge. Not that she was much of a mother. He barely knew her. "Tell me how."

"After the catastrophe at the clinic, that scarecrow Anna Devane put me in jail. You remember? While I was waiting to be released, I had my lawyer contact Judge Walters. We spoke at length about you and your roommate and I told him that I did not think it was a good idea for you to continue your involvement. He was...agreeable. He does not care for your roommate either."

"Did you arrange it so that he would see us having dinner?"

Liesl smiled, her mouth curling viciously. "No. It was just good luck that he saw you together at the Metro Court that night. He had second thoughts but I quickly dissuaded him of those. Nathan, you must understand. I know that kind of girl. She will bring you nothing but grief." She laid a tentative hand on his arm. "I want you to have everything you deserve. And you deserve only the best!"

"That would be Maxie," he said quietly shaking her hand off. "Stay away from her."

He left her with the warning and stalked away leaving her staring after him. Dante and Judge Walters were in the curtained room talking quietly. They both looked up when he entered but it was Judge Walters that spoke first.

"Detective West, I want to thank you for what you did for me today. You're a brave man and a fine officer."

He was too tired to be polite. "That isn't what you said two months ago."

"I was wrong. I've been grossly unfair to you."

"Right." Nathan shook his head. His anger at Liesl and her interference still boiling under his skin. He glanced over at Dante who shrugged back at him. "I'm tired. I just want to get out of here."

"I understand.," Walters continued. "I want you to know, Detective, I will be recusing myself from Miss Jones' custody case in the future. I'll see to it that none of what has transpired goes into her file for the next judge."

What a cagey bastard, Nathan thought. Covering his ass without admitting to any wrongdoing. At least one good thing came of this, he thought. At least now he and Maxie would be able to see each other if they wanted to. He couldn't speak for Maxie, but it was definitely what he wanted.

"I think we're done here," Dante said. "Come on Nathan. Let's go." They walked to the ER doors. Nathan was more than aware that Liesl was watching their progress. He paused at the door and looked over his shoulder at her. She offered him a pleading gaze but he shook his head and turned away. He didn't want to think about her just now. Right now, he wanted to go home to Maxie and tell her everything. 

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