5:17am, December 27th

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Nathan woke from a deep slumber, feeling disoriented and heavy. He blinked his eyes open, trying to decide if wanted to wake after all. The room was dark, only a shred of light from the lamp on the street filtered in through the blinds on the window. He scrubbed at his eyes with his fingertips, deciding to stay in bed a while longer. There was no need to get up if it meant he might wake Maxie. She had been just as tired as he had been.

They had left the church, deciding to skip picking up her car and go straight home to beat the weather. He called Dante the minute they arrived back at the apartment and gave him an update. They both agreed that staying put was the best decision with Dante agreeing to let Mac and Lulu know Maxie was safe. Once they were home, Maxie headed straight for the shower and Nathan retreated to his room, falling asleep before his head hit the pillow.

There was a moment at the door, when he thought he might be too amped up from the events of the morning and then the search for Maxie. But as soon as he sat on his bed to undress, the exhaustion took over and he passed out still wearing most of his clothes. He was vaguely aware of Maxie coming into the room and coaxing him under the comforter. She must have helped him out of the rest of his clothes as well, he realized as he stretched his full length on the bed.

Maxie. He smiled happily in the darkness at the thought of her. After everything they had gone through in the last year, they were finally on the same page with a clear path in front of them. It had taken them some time and a hefty amount of interference, first from Levi and then Judge Walters thanks to his mother, but they were finally free to do as they pleased. And Nathan knew exactly what he wanted that to be. He closed his eyes and let himself drowse a little with the thoughts of Maxie in his arms.

It was the smell of coffee and a growling stomach that finally made him open his eyes again, drawing him out of the dreams of Maxie. Coffee could only mean she was awake and if he had learned anything in the last two months, it was to grab any alone time with her that he could. He rolled out of bed, reaching for a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt. He opened his bedroom door, stepping quietly from the hall to the living room. The lamp was turned on casting a warm glow around the room. Maxie was sitting on the couch, her knees curled under her, drinking coffee and staring at her phone.

"Maxie? What are you doing up?" He asked quietly, trying not to startle her. She turned towards him and offered him a sweet smile.

"I could ask you the same thing,' she responded. "I thought you would be out for a while."

"I think I've been asleep for at least twelve hours." His stomach grumbled loud enough for Maxie to hear. "And I haven't eaten in longer than that."

She patted the sofa next to her. "You happen to be in luck then. I warmed up the muffins Lucas brought over yesterday. They're day old but still good."

"I'll take you up on that." He sat next to her and reached for a muffin, taking a healthy bite while she watched over the rim of her cup. "Why are you up?" Nathan asked between bites.

She shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. I mean, I did sleep for a little bit. I went to bed by nine and I never go to sleep that early. But I just tossed and turned. Couldn't get comfortable. I just gave up after a while and made coffee."

"And you're just sitting out here in semi-darkness while it snows?"

"It's not snowing anymore. It stopped an hour ago. It's beautiful outside," she added looking toward the window. "I don't think anyone is going anywhere today though. You know what? You need coffee. I'll get you some." She got to her feet and left him staring after her. Something was off. She came back a moment later and handed him a cup. He noticed she had refilled hers while she was at it.

"Maxie, what's going on?" He asked firmly. "Has something happened that I don't know about?"

"No, of course not. It's just, I've been thinking." She looked away from him avoiding his gaze. "Even though we are both on the same page with our relationship, there's still the matter of Judge Walters. He isn't going to like it at all if we start dating especially since I've got visitation now and you set up that wonderful Christmas Eve for me. I've been trying to figure out a way to convince him that you're good for me and Georgie."

"Is that all?" He asked with a sigh of relief.

"Um, that's a lot."

Nathan shook his head and grinned at her. "Actually, it isn't. Walters isn't going to care that we see each other anymore."

Maxie's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Because you saved his life? He backed off completely when he saw what a good man you are? I knew he would!"

"Not quite."

Maxie frowned in question. "What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, when I was at the hospital, Dante and I overheard Judge Walters talking to my mother. She put him up to keeping us apart."

"Why would she do that?"

Nathan shook his head. "She does crazy things in the name of love." He gazed at Maxie, smiling a little. "She doesn't think you are good for me. I happen to disagree. I think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"I think it's the other way around," Maxie remarked moving closer to him on the sofa. "So, what happened? Did you confront her?"

"Yes. She admitted to it. And then Walters told me he was taking himself off your custody case and leaving his objections out of his files for the next judge. Maxie, I'm sorry Liesl did this to you. I don't understand her at all."

"You don't have to apologize. None of this is your fault." She laid a reassuring hand on his arm. Nathan took it in his and squeezed gently. "Besides," she added brightly. "I did get to see my daughter on Christmas Eve thanks to you. And also, now I have a good chance at joint custody with a new judge. And I can actually spend time with you. Which reminds me!" She set her coffee down and took Nathan's from him as well. "I need to give you your Christmas present."

"You didn't have to-"

"Yes. I did. So deal with it," she said with a playful jab at his knee. "Do you know you are really hard to buy for? You have no idea how much shopping I had to do to find something."

"I imagine that was a trial for you."

She made a face at him but continued. "As it turns out, nothing I looked at seemed right. I'm pretty good at things like this so imagine how frustrated I was not being able to find you the perfect gift."

"It must have been a nightmare for you," he replied with a wicked grin.

"And then," she continued ignoring him. "You outdid me completely on Christmas Eve. I don't like being shown up. So I thought and thought and thought about what you wanted most in the world. And I hope I was able to match your gift."

Maxie reached for her tablet on the table in front of them and handed it to him. "Press play," she said with a smile.

Nathan grinned and did as he was told, watching as a video started. He watched as the camera panned around the apartment, showing all the decorations he and Dante and Lulu had put up on Christmas Eve. The camera stopped at the tree where Maxie stood with Georgie. He paused it and looked up at her.

"Maxie, what is this?"

"You couldn't be there," she said. "And you should have been. You set the whole thing up and left so we wouldn't get in trouble with the judge. But you should have been there with me. And now you can be."

"Thank you. Watch it with me?"

Maxie nodded and moved in closer, settling her head on his shoulder. She sighed happily as Nathan wrapped his arm around her drawing her as close to himself as possible. They watched the video together, laughing in the same places while Maxie added commentary on the evening. They watched it again just for the joy of having Georgie in their lives and of being together at last.  

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