Fuck you! (Ashley Purdy)

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For CutePandas92

Paige's POV

I brushed my dirty blonde hair out my eyes and fixed my black, diamond studded hat. I was going to go see my boyfriend, James. We've been dating for 1 year and 6 months. I opened the door to the coffee shop we were meeting at. I saw him making out with some pretty brunette women. I marched over there, him not noticing me.

"Fuck. You. We're over." I said, spilling his coffee on him and the women. I walked out, fixing my yellow Black Veil Brides tank top. I heard James call out.

"Paige, wait! It's not what it looked like!" He yelled out. I gave him the finger.

"Fuck you and your bull shit lies!" I said, continuing to walk away. I went to the nearest bar and ordered a glass of water. I heard a familiar voice ask,

"Straight edge?" I turned around to see the Ashley Purdy standing there, with a beer in his hand.

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered, trying to keep my inner fangirl inside.

"It's okay, doll. No need to stutter and be nervous." He said, sitting next to me. I blushed so hard, that I must've looked like a damn tomato on fire.

"What is a pretty little thing like yourself doing here?" He asked.

"My-uh- ex-boyfriend just cheated on me so I ended it." I said, tearing up. Ashley pulled me into an embrace.

"Sh, sh doll. No one as pretty as you should be crying over some jack ass who obviously doesn't know what he had just missed out on because you are just wow." He said. I blushed and slowly and reluctantly pulled away. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Thanks Ashley... You really mean that?" I asked. He smiled his smile, making my breath hitch. I grinned back.

"Absolutely, doll face. How about I pay for your drink and get out of here and give this town hell?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He paid and we left. It was the best night of my life.

A/N I hope you liked it CutePandas92 it was my first time so... Please request guys!

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