All To Myself? (Josh Ramsay)

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A/N This is for meh

Lani's POV

I rolled my eyes, my sister dragging me to this dumb concert for this dumb band. I didn't even listen to the damn band but here I am. Again. This was the seventh Marianas Trench concert I've attended. She makes me go and the stupid lead singer always flirts me. And I always roll my eyes, leaving with her. I couldn't stand that handsome- I mean annoying man. Josh was his name- not that I cared. I sighed as she squealed over Matt, Ian, and Mike. Josh smirks, walking over to me.

"Hey beautiful," he coos. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "Oh c'mon!" He whines, grabbing his guitar, starting to play a song while the band backs him.

"Did you say 'please just follow me'? I thought you wanted me, 'cause I want you all to myself." He sings, "I can try and suck it up, I just can't suck it up. Make me feel like someone else." He sings, continuing, backing me into the stage, fans cheering. The band stays on stage, smirking and smiling. I bite my lip, blushing softly. I move my navy blue bangs out of my pastel blue eyes, raising an eyebrow. I glance at the crowd, who were clapping and singing with him. I cross my arms with my leather jacket.

"Thank you all for coming out!" Josh screams and they cheer. He walks up to me after casually chucking his guitar to Mike.

I look up at him from my 5'2 height, when he cups my face.

"I want you all to myself." He whispers. "You're like porcelain, and I'll always be beside you if you give me a chance. You should know this by now." He whispers.

I feel dark crimson shade come onto my pale ass face, also feeling my face get insanely warm. He leans down, considering how god damn short I am.

"I must insist you haven't had enough." He smirks softly, kissing me passionately as people scream and cheer and cry and take pictures.

I close my eyes, kissing back eventually. After a minute or two he pulls away.

"I'm not into song clichés babe, you might have to resort desperate measures next time." I wink, sashay off the stage.

He stands there in shock at what I had said, but smiles nonetheless. He jumps up and fist pumps the air. I smile and giggle softly, shaking my head as I got into the cab with my sister, pulling away.

A/N possibly a part 2? Idk I liked writing it.

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