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January 4th 2016

Cinder pulled her hair back into a ponytail, trying to keep from shaking at her nerves. It was her first day of high school, well, besides her first day of freshman year, that hadn't gone so well. At all. In fact that was the very day that had put her so behind, the day of the accident that had claimed her left leg and the majority of the skin on her left arm.
It had been the first day of freshman year, and her older step sister, Pearl had been given the duty of driving Cinder and her younger sister Peony home from school, though it wasn't a task Pearl had taken very seriously, she had been texting her new boyfriend on the way to the middle school to pick up Peony. That's when she drove on to a one way street. The wrong way.
All Cinder remembered about the crash was seeing the car come straight into them, and putting up her left arm to block it. Then she had woken up it the hospital, her arm wrapped in so many bandages that she couldn't remember what it used to look like, where an elderly nurse informed her that Pearl had gotten out of the car to yell at the man, for damaging her BMW, and she hadn't noticed her 14 year old step sister lying in the road her, arm a mess of blood and her leg pinned at an odd angle under the car. A bystander had called the ambulance.
That had been two years ago, and she was finally out of rehab, and could walk again by the beginning of Christmas break.

After two years she would finally get to go to school. She grabed her bag, and walked outside to face the masses.

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