5: Confused

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"I told you!" Peony said "I told you it was him! But Peony is never right is she? Ha!" Cinder sighed and shook her head at her small stepsister. "That's not the main issue here Peony, he looked hurt. I don't think he ment for me to find out yet." Peony looked at her sister with empathy "you just need to confront him and tell him how you feel!"

Easier said then done, he hadn't come back to school the next day, or the day after, or the day after that. It wasn't just integrated into the daily gossip, it became it. Everyone had their own theory about where he had gone, some were reasonable like a bad case of the flu and some were really out there, like the one where his family was caught smuggling drugs across the Mexican border and had to move to Asia.

None of them gave her any clue as to where he was. Upset, Cinder reread the note. EC cafe... She glanced up at the clock, it was still reasonable for someone to leave to go somewhere else for lunch. Grabbing her bag she ran up to her friend Scarlet "I need a ride!" she said. Scarlet laughed "where to?"

Ha! I'm evilllll I left you guys on another cliff hanger!!!!! Short chapter but I introduced Scarlet and Peony. Quick question. Should I do a sequel or an epilogue? If I did a sequel it wouldn't come untill at least October and would probably be about Scarlet and Wolf, and then the next one about Cress and Thorne, and then one about Winter and Jacin and they could all be read separately. If I did a epilogue it would probably be Cinder and Kai fluff. If I did the sequel thing I would need names for the books. What do you think?

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