3: Admirer

448 21 11

January 31st

    For the past weeks Kai had been watching Cinder from afar. He wouldn't call it stalking exactly, just admiring from afar. Okay, maybe it was stalking, but his affection had grown when she had talked to him like a normal person and not the richest boy in school, so of course it made sense that he knew her locker number, and combination, and her schedule, yeah he was definitely stalking her.
      But the Valentine's dance was coming up fast and Kai still didn't have a date; it wasn't that he hadn't been asked, he had, too many times to count, he just had his heart set on a certain messy haired girl in his science class. So he would be her secret admirer
      He had come up with the idea a few days ago, it was the only reason he knew her locker combination. He made sure no one was looking than opened her locker and left the box in there as he tried to keep from being late to class.


Cinder was very angry by the time she opened her locker, it had taken three tries to open her locker and all anyone had wanted to talk about last period was how "Prince" Kai had turned them down for the Valentine's dance. She was so angry in fact that she almost didn't notice the tiny box at the bottom of her locker. She picked it up gingerly, a confused look on face as she lifted the lid, sure that it was a prank. But it wasn't, nothing exploded in her face or left a taunting message, it was just a simple box of chocolates with a note taped to the lid stated simply that it was 2:Cinder from:?

She smiled. No one had ever done anything like this for her. The 2nd bell rang and Cinder rushed off to class.

Admired: A Kainder AUWhere stories live. Discover now