7: Found

319 11 2

(Please read the author's note at the end)

Kai stirred his coffee again, he had been spending the past few days at his family's cafe and it was getting increasingly boring by the minute but his depression had dragged him so far down that he didn't care anymore.

And it wasn't just Cinder, (despite what Torin says he is NOT a dramatic teenager) it seemed like everything was going wrong this week, this month. His father had cancer and Levana kept harassing him to the point that he wanted not just pull his own hair out, but to tear out her hair just to see what she would do.

The sound of the door opening startled Kai from his coffee. He looked up, and there she was, her hair pulled back into her signature ponytail and a blue t-shirt with a stain that looked at lot like grease across the bottom.

He looked away trying not to seem like a stalker, she probably wasn't here for him anyway. She walked up to the counter and leaned on it.

"Have you seen Katio Prince around here? I've been looking for him" she asked the cashier."



Cinder looked up at the sound of his voice. "Kai? What are you doing here? Everyone at school has been looking for you!" she said.

"I'm sorry Cinder, I embarrassed you in the middle of class and then I ran of without a trace, I must seem like such a-" he was cut of by a ding from Cinder's phone, blushing Cinder pulled it out.

Sorry, had to bail. Just remembered I have to tutor some idiot jock.- Scar

Cinder groaned, it was hard enough to find someone to get her here, how the hell would she find someone to take her back?

Kai leaned over, reading the text scrolled across the screen.

"I can drive you." he said "Are you sure? It's a long way." Cinder replied

"It's fine, it's about time I went back anyways."

I'm SOOOOOOOOOO sorry! I thought I would be able to write during the summer but my mother signed me up for a summer camp, and then I had to finish TIV for the Wattys and then school started up and it has been a mess. I'll try to post more often but I make no guarantees.

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