2: Crush

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Cinder stepped out of the car and slamed the door. You know that iconic part of all high school movies when the person steps out of their amazingly beautiful car and takes in their new school and they know that this is going to be the best year of their life? Yeah, this was not that moment, Cinder triped on the curb and fell on her face, and you know how in said movies this is when they meet the guy of their dreams? Also didn't happen, she fell and the only support she got was an 'are you okay?' from her best friend Carswell Thorne, who had been the one to call 911 at the crash; he had come to see if she was okay at the hospital and they quickly became close friends. "Yeah, I'm good" she said pulling to her feet "just fell on my face" Thorne (which she had started calling him because he hated it) laughed "you really are accident prone aren't you?" Cinder lightly punched him in the shoulder "shut up" she deadpaned


Kai had made it his New Year's resolution to learn the names of everyone in the school by the end of the year, or at least his senior class. He would get to every class as early as possible and sit at the front so he could see the door and name everyone who came through the door. Scarlet, Jacin holding Winter's hand, Cress, Carswel talking to a girl Kai hadn't seen before, the girl broke away and went to talk to the teacher. The teacher went to the front of the room and announced that they had a new student and the girl went to introduce herself

"My name is Cinder and I've been in rehab the past year." she deadpaned then turned to the teacher "can I sit down now?" the girl- Cinder- didn't wait for an answer and slid into the closest seat which happened to be right next to Kai.
     She was pretty, if you were the kind of person who could look past her messy ponytail, lack of make-up, and plain clothes. "I didn't know Carswell had a new girlfriend already" Cinder laughed as if he had said the world's most hilarious joke "Stars no, Thorne is my best friend that would jist be-" she made a face like she had smelled something terrible. Kai let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding in. There was still hope.

Still unedited next chapter should be up tonight sorry I had to cut it short and the end doesn't really make sense yet

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