4th | Hydrangeas & Peonies

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When Lara invited me to become her Maid of Honour, she sent me a handmade card along with this:

"A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws."

I never thought Lara would take this quote to the literal level.

Poking me with party straws - that was what she had been doing for the last fifteen minutes. Apparently, she was trying to draw my attention to the groomsmen at a table behind us. Unfortunately, I was too absorbed in my food. Wedding buffets, especially those you are responsible for planning, are absolutely the best.

Knowing that the colourful straws would never surpass the chocolate fondue on my plate, Lara decided to speak up, "Ally, he's staring at you."

"Whoever that is, you stare at me more than he does." I dipped my fruit bites into the chocolate paste.

"I doubt it."

"Alright." I took a sip of the lemonade. "Who is 'he'?"

"Damian," Lara whispered as if he could hear us two tables away. "He's been sneaking glances at you since the start of the wedding ceremony."

I choked on my drink.

"Did you even pay attention to your own wedding?" I tried to maintain my composure. "Now I wonder how you could do your vows perfectly."

"Practice makes perfect." Lara flashed me a proud grin. "Seriously, Ally, you should go talk to him."

"We've talked." I wiped my mouth. "He came into my shop a week ago."

Lara gasped, "Oh, so you've met him before?"

"For the last time, yes!" I dragged my syllables. "Weren't you listening to me this morning?"

"For your information, I do pay attention to my wedding when I need to."

"Urgh! You're despicable." I groaned in frustration. "And for your information, Damian isn't single anymore. He only speaks to me when he needs my dating advice."

"What? I still ship you two - you two look cute together."

I rolled my eyes. "You're drunk, Lara."

"Oh, really? I haven't taken a sip from this glass."

"You're still drunk."

Before Lara could make a clever comeback, Warren came to my rescue. It was only at times like these that I was thankful for his existence.

"Hey, wifey..." He snaked his arms around Lara's waist. "How are you doing?"

My face wrinkled up in disgust. "Well, Warren. Hello to you, too."

"Oh, I didn't see you there." He smiled sheepishly at me.

"Clearly." I uttered, but Warren had already proceeded to ignoring me - he started trailing kisses along Lara's neck.

"Oh, come on!" I shielded my eyes from them. "Please save that for later."

Warren smirked. "Oh, you have no idea what I've prepared for her tonight..."

"You're disgusting!" I cried. "Get a room."

"Gladly." Warren winked before swooping Lara away from the table.

"Rough day, huh?" Damian took Lara's seat after she left.

"It's exhausting," I let out a sigh. "but tolerable."

Damian chuckled and pointed at our table. "I can see that you still have your bouquet around you."

"It's very difficult to let it go after spending so much time on it."

"Indeed. For your dedication, you make an excellent Maid of Honour." Damian smiled at me with sincerity. "What flowers have you used to put together these pieces of art?"

"You flatter me, Damian." I reached over and retrieved my bouquet. "Now, look here. The white flowers I've picked are hydrangeas."

"Hydra - what?" Damian frowned at me. "Hail Hydra?"

"No, not Hydra. It's hydrangea." I giggled at his dumbfounded expression. "They kinda look like cauliflower, but when they're matched with peonies, it's a whole different story."

"They make an elegant combination," He said as he inched closer. "What do these flowers mean?"

"Hydrangeas carry the symbolism of enduring grace and beauty, while peonies are an omen of good fortune and happy marriage."

"Charming." Damian had his eyes trained on me when he said it. Due to his close proximity to me, my heart rate picked up exponentially. Part of me secretly wished that he would lean in, but it didn't happen. Instead, he threw his body back and sneezed.

"Oh no, is it your allergy?" I put away my bouquet. "I shouldn't have waved it in front of you."

"No, it's fine." Damian blew his nose. "It's kind of a miracle that I managed to avoid sneezing the whole day."

"Would it be better for you to move to the dance floor? I didn't assign any floral decorations over there."

"Well, will you come with me?" Damian stood up and offered me his hand.

"No, please." I shook my head furiously. "I don't dance."

Damian chuckled. "I'm not a decent dancer myself."

"I'd definitely step on your shoes." I remained in my seat. "You know, you can ask Elaine."

"Elaine's not here - she's out of town."

"But it doesn't have to me." I crossed my arms.

"If you don't come with me..." Damian sat back down. "I'll just stay here."

My jaw dropped. "Are you serious?"

"I just don't - " He sneezed mid-sentence. " - like dancing with strangers."

Looking at his poor form, I propped myself up and exclaimed, "Okay, fine!"

"Really?" Damian's face lit up. "You won't regret it. I promise."

With one swift motion, he took my hand and led me through the sea of tables.

"What do I need to do?" I fidgeted when I stepped onto the dance platform.

Damian gave me a reassuring smile. "Just follow my lead."

"Oh, if only dancing was as this simple." I laughed nervously.

"Come on, Ally. The music is starting." Damian circled my waist with his arm and pulled me close. Perhaps due to his sudden movement, I lost my body balance. He hissed in pain when my heels dug into his shoes.

"I'm so sorry." I couldn't help but cringe at him. "Does it hurt?"

"No, it's fine. I asked for it." Damian recovered quickly when he heard the upbeat music. "Oh, I like this! It's salsa."

"Oh, no. I've never done salsa before!" I wanted to bury my face in my hands, but they were already clasped in Damian's.

"There's always a first time for everything." He chuckled. "Just sway your hips as much as you can."

"That's it?" I tried to move my legs to match the rhythm of the music.

"You're doing great, Ally." Damian nodded. "Now, do a twirl."

I probably looked terribly amateur, but obediently, I spun my body under his arm. I expected to face him again after a full turn. Instead of allowing me to finish it, he stopped me mid-spin and hugged me from behind my back. His chin cupped my head as if I was a puppet. Everyone in the room seemed comfortable doing the same dance move, but I was not. Butterflies were fluttering everywhere in my stomach, spreading tingles throughout my body.

I might not be comfy in Damian's embrace, but it was the first time I was asked to the dance floor. I might as well make the most of it.

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