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phil woke up to the sound of footsteps. he got up and looked at the clock. it was 4 AM. he yawned and walked to the door. it wasn't the first time he had woken up by the sound of Dan walking around in his room, but this was different. he walked towards Dan's room and knocked on the door. no answer. he listened carefully. the footsteps haf stopped but he now heard soft sobbing. he opened the door to see dan, sitting in the corner of his room, covering his eyes. Phil walled towards him without hesitation. 'Dan, what's wrong?' he asked. he hugged him. 'Dan, it's gonna be okay' Phil said. Dan had atopped crying but still didn't say anything. Phil felt like he shouldn't ask anything, because it would only upset Dan again. it killed him to see Dan like this, it hadn't been this bad in a long time, and he didn't even know what was wrong. Phil brushed his hand through Dan's hair. without thinking he softly kissed Dan's cheeck. Dan now looked up. he looked at Phil with a confused expression. Phil immediately regretted doing it but he didn't want to show it because Dan finally looked less upset. 'what's wrong, Dan?' he asked again. 'it's nothing, really, thank you for calming me down' Dan replied. Phil knew something was wrong, but he also knew that if Dan said it was nothing, he didn't want to talk about it. 'okay, you can tell me anything, you know that right?' Phil said. 'i know, thank you Phil'. 'are you gonna be okay?' Phil asked. 'yeah, I'll be fine, you can go back to bed, sorry for waking you up' Dan said. Phil noticed hesitation in Dan's voice. he wasn't gonna leave him if something was wrong. 'Dan, please be honest with me, I wouldn't mind staying a bit longer' Phil said. he knew Dan didn't want to bother him, but if Dan needed him, he would be there for him. he knew he wasn't going to admit he wasn't fine. 'I'll stay, but you have to get in bed, it's cold' Phil said. Dan smiled. they sat down on Dan's bed together. Phil put the blankets over Dan. 'you'll catch a cold' he said. Phil was always so caring. Dan noticed Phil was shivering. 'Phil, you're cold, you just kissed me, getting in bed with me wouldn't make it awkward between us' Dan said. Phil blushed and walked to the other side of the bed.

when it was about 5 AM, Phil was still awake. he couldn't sleep. that was fine though, he would do anything for Dan.

Dan had fallen asleep after about 10 minutes and Phil had wrapped his arms around him. he couldn't stop staring at him, Dan looked adorable when he slept. suddenly Dan opened his eyes, he saw two bright blue eyes looking at him. he pressed a soft kiss on Phil's lips. 'thank you, Phil' Dan said. 'for what?' Phil asked, still a bit startled from the kiss. 'for everything' Dan replied. 'I love you, Dan' 'I love you too'

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