just friends

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It was about 10 pm. Dan sat on his bed. He was thinking. He and Phil had been living together forever it seemed. He had enjoyed every day with him. But he couldn't help wondering, did Phil really just want to be friends? He needed answers. He walked to Phil's room and knocked on the door, "come in," he heard Phil say. He opened the door to see Phil laying on his bed with his laptop. It was dark, the only light sources were the lamp on his desk and his laptop. Dan walked in.

"What is it?" Phil asked. "Can we talk?" Dan replied. "Sure, sit down," Phil said, cloding his laptop. Dan sat down on Phil's bed. He looked at his blue eyes and sighed. "Phil, we've been living together for quite a long time now and I think I can say this. I hope this won't make things awkward between us but I have to know. Do you want to be friends?" Dan asked. "What do mean?" Phil asked. Dan got nervous. "Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to be friends or more than that..." Dan stuttered. Phil raised his eyebrows. "I never knew you even thought about that," he said. "Oh, I.. I'm sorry, just forget I ever asked," Dan was about to get up when Phil grabbed his arm. "I didn't even answer your question," he said, "do you want more?" "I mean, it's not like I wouldn't want-" Dan stopped talking. "Dan, I don't want to lose you," Phil said. "You're not gonna lose me, besides I will never stop being your best friend."

"But I thought you wanted-", Dan interrupted him, "Phil, we can still be best friends, you don't have to call me anything else."

"You know what, you just tell me when I cross the 'best friend line'," Dan said. Phil nodded and got out of bed to sit next to Dan. Dan looked at Phil and touched his shoulder. He went through Phil's hair with his fingers and got a bit closer. He kissed his cheeck. Phil started blushing. Dan put his hands around Phil's face and looked him in the eyes. He kissed him softly.

Dan grabbed Phil's hands and noticed he was shaking. "Phil, just tell me when to stop," Dan said. Phil nodded again. Dan started kissing his neck. Phil tilted his head to the side a bit to give Dan better access. Dan slowly lifted Phil's shirt and touched his back. "Dan, I think..." Phil said, worried he'd offended Dan. Dan immediately stopped. He held Phil's hands again. "Okay, are you sure you're okay with me doing the rest?". "Yeah," Phil said, he never knew how gentle Dan could be. "Okay, so do you want me to go or..?" "You can stay if you want," Phil said. Dan smiled. "Do you want to..?" Phil pointed at the bed. "Yeah if you're okay with that," Dan answered. Phil nodded, less unsure this time. They got in bed. Dan was staring at the ceiling and Phil was looking at Dan. "Thanks for.. you know, stopping," he said. "Of course," Dan said, now looking at him. "Can I.." Dan stopped talking when Phil hugged him. He really loved Phil. Phil kissed him.

Dan fell asleep with his head resting on Phil's chest. Phil kissed his head and fell asleep too.

{A/N} I know the title is a bit like the last chapter 'best friends' sorry about that, I can never come up with a good title. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it >•<

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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