Chapter 22

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n// sorry this is so shitty but more action coming soon!!

"Who am I?" Thora asked herself, looking at the picture of Niklaus in wonder. "Who are any of us?"
It had been a whole summer since he had left town, taking Stefan Salvatore with him to finish the 'business' he had been so dead set on taking care of. She wasn't that close to Stefan, finding him a little bit annoying, whiny, reserved, brooding, etc., but if it meant being with Niklaus? She would spend every second of the remainder of her life with him. From what she had heard from the others when they had assumed she had gone to sleep, he and Stefan were out and about tracking someone – something – that was beyond the depths of her imagination.
Sighing, she collected the picture of her beloved and placed it back in its proper hiding place, under her mattress in the room that she had been staying in for a few months now in the Donovan's household. Everything had changed since Niklaus left, and it wasn't just how she felt about him. Elena was going crazy, Damon had no time for her anymore, Elijah had dropped off of the face of the earth, not to mention all of the other drama had been going on with everyone else in the inner circle. But all of that didn't really matter to her.

Because she knew that Niklaus was coming home soon, and that meant she would get the answers she deserved.
It wasn't a secret that she and her once close group of friends had drifted a little bit. Ever since that fight with Matthew, Thora had been dreading even looking him in the eye. She felt betrayed, knowing that the whole time, they had kept something about her own self a secret from her. She didn't even quite know what it was yet, she just knew that it had something to do with Niklaus, whom they all seemed to loathe.
Which was why she was so shocked when Damon had invited her out for a drink on a warm Summer afternoon, suggesting they stop by the grill and pay catch-up for a bit. But in reality, he just wanted to check the final thing off of his to-do list. Compel her to spew out what the hell she had seen that night. After a summer of tracking his little brother, fights, werewolf bites, and an angry wife of the original hybrid, he had finally gotten a chance to do it. He was just mad that it took him so long to get around to it.
Walking into the grill, she immediately spotted the raven haired man and sent him a small smile as he wiggled his fingers at her, already sipping on a drink. Something that Thora had no doubt in her mind was alcoholic.
"Hello, Miss Thora," Damon smiled charmingly as she sat beside him. "How are you this fine day?"
"Hot. Tired." She shrugged quietly. "And yourself, Damon?"
"Eh, the same. Looking for Stefan, dealing with Elena's constant mood swings and undeniable love for me, yet she hasn't admitted it yet, but it's a work in progress..."
That was one thing that Thora liked about Damon in their seemingly short-lived friendship. She didn't necessarily have to put much input into trivial conversations like these because once you had Damon talking about Bourbon, Stefan, or Elena, he didn't stop. It made it easier on her for not having to seem awkward with her responses and she learned a lot about his three favourite subjects.
"...I've missed you a lot, kiddo," Damon confessed, snapping Thora out of her daydreams. "Haven't been seeing enough of my little storm lately."
"Don't call me that." She snapped, not even realizing the harshness of her words. But she couldn't help it. The pet name meant a lot to her for some reason she couldn't explain, all she knew was that Niklaus called her that. Hearing the name roll off of someone else's tongue sounded bitter to her sweet ears. "Never call me that."
"Woah, woah, woah!" Damon chuckled, holding his hands up defensively. "Calm down there, kid! It was just a nickname!"
"One that you shall never refer to me as." She said, calming down a little bit. "Just... What did you want again?"
Damon sighed and reached for the girl, grabbing her by the shoulders, confusing her a little.
"What are you doing?" Thora asked. "Unhand me, you heathen!"
"Did you leave Matt's house and go into the forest before the summer started?" He compelled, pupils dilating.
"Yes." She answered monotonously.
"How many times?"
"Just once."
Damon's eyebrows furrowed slightly, his concern growing for his innocent friend. Even if she wasn't exactly talking to any of them at the moment.
"Did you see anything?" He asked. "Anything at all?"
"No." She said back, Klaus' compulsion overpowering his own. "I saw nothing."
"Are you positive? Nothing? No strange people, no odd animal, no dead body?" He asked frankly, confused.
"I saw nothing out of the ordinary, Damon."
"Then why did you stay out in the wilderness for three more days, huh?"
"Because I am scared of the monsters."
Damon was starting to figure that everything that Matt told him was mere speculation and that she didn't see anything, just that she was going through her rebellious teenage years for the first time in all of her life now that she was finally able to, or that she was really homesick or something. But all of that went out the window as soon as she said those seven words. There wasn't any such thing as a coincidence in their world, and having the hybrid's wife saying things about being scared of monsters? The red flags were waving in the mind of Damon Salvatore.
"What monsters?" He asked. "What are you talking about, Thora?"
"The monsters..." She replied gravely. "...The monsters are everyone around you. The monsters are manifesting in this town and they're everywhere... I am scared of the monsters."
"Thora, what monsters?!" He asked urgently. "What monsters?!"
"The monsters are you, Damon Salvatore, and everyone around you."
The raven haired man stared into her steel eyes and searched for a sign that she was simply on something that Jeremy hooked her up with, or that maybe someone had taught her how to master the skill of psychotic warfare, but all he got was the cold stare of his once best friend.
"Leave this place," He compelled once more, feeling dread within his heart. "Forget you ever met me here – forget that this conversation even happened. You went on a stroll to find something to wear for Elena's birthday party. Here's some money, buy whatever you want, you will look beautiful and have a good time."
Thora just nodded and took the money out of Damon's hands, walking out of the Mystic Grill and into the streets of Mystic Falls, the town filled with monsters.
Sighing, Damon fished out his phone from his pocket while downing the rest of his drink in one gulp, relishing the stinging that the alcohol left going down his throat. Dialing Matt's number, he listened to the annoying rings and held his head in his hands.
"We have a problem, Donovan," He sighed upon the blonde's answering. "She has definitely come into contact with Klaus Mikaelson. And she does not trust us at all."
"Shit," Matt whispered, and Damon could practically see him running a hand over his face. "Well... Can't you just... compel her to trust us again?"
"I can't break someone else's compulsion, Matt," Damon explained. "Even if I could, I still wouldn't be able to because Klaus is an Original, not to mention he is a thousand years old. Vampire powers are like liquor. The older you are, the stronger the hold. Anything he does has a hundred times as much power as I do."
"Then what do we do?"
"We install the plan that we planned in the first place."

"We use her as leverage."

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