Chapter 5

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The next day, I wake up, my alarm blaring loudly.

"OH MY GOSH CAN U LIKE NOT PLS THANKS!!" I grab my clock and throw it across my room. It hits the cupboard and drops down, a dented, deformed shape.

Yeah, yesterday I definitely woke up easier.

I sit up and survey the damage. Not that bad. I reach in my cupboard and pull out another alarm clock, counting the number of clocks I have left.

Huh. 10.

As you can see, this is not the first time it has happened.

Suddenly, I realise that there are noises coming from outside. There goes what little peace and quiet I have in the morning.

I hear doors slam and people shouting to one another, something about which boxes to bring or some shit.

"GEEZ PEOPLE ITS LITERALLY THE CRACK OF DAWN CAN YOU LIKE NOT GREAT APPRECIATE IT." I yell out, pulling my window open and shouting down.

I am such a morning person.

No matter how loud I shouted, it only caught the attention of a teenage boy, around my age.

He had dark brown hair and a chiselled jaw, heavily defined cheekbones, and a muscular body. That was what I could make out up from my room which was 5 storeys above ground. Yeah that's why only he had heard me.

His head was raised up when I shouted and after surveying the scene his eyes landed on me. He raised his eyebrows in surprise but then regained his cool demeanour after smiling to himself a little bit.

I blush, ducking back into my room quickly, then slowly peeking out again, this time looking at what was happening and not just that boy. ;););)

It seemed like a family of 3, consisting of the mum, the boy, and a little girl with the brightest blue eyes and wavy blonde hair were moving in next to us.

No doubt the boy would be attending either my school or Shana's, those were the most well-known schools where we lived, and the little girl attending Carson's.

Unless I'm severely mistaken, of course.

It'd be better if he attended Shana's school, though, because it would be awkward for me to see him daily if he saw me getting bullied at school. And not only that, but judging by his looks, he's definitely going to be accepted into Chelsea's Gang.

He probably would join in to bully me too. Just peachy.

I sigh, and grab some random clothes from my closet, which turns out to be a Anakin Skywalker shirt with jeans, and go to change.

After getting ready, I walk down the stairs, greeted by the usual sight of my mum making breakfast, but grab a s'more granola bar from the cupboard anyways, because I'm about a 100% sure she would forget my breakfast.

I grab my car keys and head out, noticing from the corner of my eye that the mother and the people helping them to move the boxes are talking. I glance up for a brief second, and make eye contact with her. To my surprise, she looks somewhat familiar and even offers me a small wave.

I duck my head down and walk briskly to my car, avoiding any more eye contact.

Suddenly, I realise there are also noises coming from the two houses next to mine on the other side.

"Whaa-" Why on earthlingness is everyone moving in today? Is it like some festive moving in thing or what?

Andddd then I see a boy coming out from each of the two houses, also look like my age. One of them has brown hair, the other blonde. I couldn't really see much though, I was already in the car.

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