Chapter 2 (Classes)

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We have 8 periods in the day, 2 are electives. Those are my favorites.

The only problem is Thomas is in both of them, and none of my friends are there to keep me company, so Thomas likes to beat me up even more during those periods. They are my last periods in the day, so at least I can look forward to them, sometimes.

Thomas has been really riding me lately.
He's been unusually angry at everyone, but of course he hurts me more.

We have Culinary Arts together and Guitar Class. My favorite is Guitar I play an acoustic guitar. But that doesn't mean that I can't play electric, I love electric, but I prefer acoustic. I also know how to play acoustic electric. But Thomas plays that kind of guitar so I don't like playing it because it reminds me of him.

He's actually really good. But I'm not going to tell him that.

I went to culinary class which is before guitar. We were making a stir fry and Thomas threw avocado in my hair, I went to the bathroom to clean it off.

I gazed into the mirror, a tear came down my eye. I usually cry daily. Thomas is getting worst too so that doesn't help.

I started pulling the avocado out of my dark brown hair. I look at the mirror and look straight into my golden eyes. They are such a light brown they look goldish brown.

I get back to class to see my partner, Sarah, waiting. She's nice but she is about business and order, not fun.

"Ok I started without you" she said, "don't worry I'm not to far in"

"It's ok, thanks" I say back. I am just ready for the day to be over. I want to go home and be in a Thomas-free environment.

We finish our stir fry. It looked pretty good I'm pretty proud of us.

I must have thought to soon because Thomas walks over. He has an apron over his black leather jacket.

He grabs a fork and digs it into our stir fry.
"I gotta say Truth" he said leaning against the counter, "I expected better" he walked away from us and went back to his kitchen, he high fived a few of his friends.

-Guitar class
I grab a guitar and start playing I really don't feel like getting into a fight with Thomas but I know he is going to do something.

Thomas sat with his friends, playing his acoustic electric.

I play my guitar in silence for a while. I am surprised no one bothers me, especially Thomas.

When the bell rang I run out of the class. I run to my locker, Jake is standing there.

"So Truth, how was your afternoon" he said jokingly with a chuckle.
"Oh I think you know" I said chuckling and opening my locker.
"Well tomorrow will be better" Jake said leaning against the lockers.

"I doubt-" Truth began as Thomas came and punched her against the jaw. A popping of pain hit her as she fell to the ground.
"Shit" she mumbled under her. Jake picked her up and pushed her behind him.

"Get out of my way idiot!" Thomas said. But Jake just stood there holding his arms around me.

"Dude not cool!" Jake said.
"Step back and let me do what I have to do"
Thomas said, his neck veins bulging with rage. People don't stand up to him a lot.

"Either you move or I make you move!" Thomas said
Jake turned his head towards me.

He whispers in my ear "when I step away you run ok?"
Truth nodded.

Jake slowly went to the side. Then I bolted. I ran and I grabbed my backpack and ran.

My house isn't to far so I ran there. I got to my house, and I slammed the door and leaned against it and took a deep breath.

I heard a knock on the door. It must be Jake, so I open it. I see Thomas standing there.

"Hello bitch" he says as his fist glides into my face.

Bullied by Thomas SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now