chapter 12

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Five years later

Lilith pov

"Chance come on its your first day of school" I say

"Mommy Mommy what if They don't like me" he says

"Well then there missing out on a amazing person " I say

"I'm scared" he says

"Don't be who do you always have with you" I say

"Lil" he says

"Right and what does lil do" I say

"Protect me" he says

"Thats right now let's go before your late" I say

"Okay mommy" he says

We get in our car and drive to the school

I get out and open the door

He comes out but hides behind me

"See it doesn't look to bad" I say pointing at the playground with kids playing

I turn him around" now mommy needs to go to work so are you going to be a big boy for mommy and go to school" I say

He shakes his head " I love you mommy" he says

"Mommy loves you more" I say

"How mommy" he says

"I love you to the moon and back" I say

He kisses me on the cheek" I love you to my heart and back' he says

Tears form on my face while he goes

Chance has been my rock for five years and he still is he fills up this empty space that I like to call a heart

I watch him run into the playground and is playing with a little girl in pigtails

I go around my car when I felt someone watching me

I drove to work where I work you may ask I am a CEO for one of the richest company's

How you may ask well let's just say I'm good with working or sorting out business

I walk in and am bombard with tons of questions

Mostly about campaigners who are working on making the company stand out

"Miss you seem-" my assistant says

"Have my coffee ready with my usual breakfast do I have any important meetings I should be aware of" I say

"No miss but-" she says

"Good then I will be in my office taking care of most of my paperworks" I say

She nods

I open my door and see James,jo jo, Jake, Kris, iris, George, and Grayson

"Can I help you" I say

They where shocked to see me

I walk to my desk and called my assistant

"Rose why did you let them up here" I say

"They said they where family of yours" she says

"And" I say

"And I thought you would have loved to see your family" she says

"Next time inform me" I say

"I tried but you kept interrupting me" she says

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