chapter 19

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Daniel pov

"Sir the witch wishes to see you" a servant says

"Bring her in" I say

He bows
"Siren how was picking and prodding between her mind find anything interesting" I say

"Well of course what a unique girl you got there and such a unique past I can eat off of her for days" she says

"What did you find out" I say

"Can we discuss this in private" she says

"You know the cost for the past" she says

"Find as you wish" I say

Grayson pov

" the council is here" iris says

I nod

"Grayson we heard lilith was missing we offer are services to find her and bring justice to people" one of them says

"I would gladly appreciate the help but why now all of a sudden did you decide to come" I say

"Well we just got your email yesterday" one of them says

Something isn't right I e-mailed them three weeks ago

"Oh right how could I forget" I say

"Right so we have other packs ready to fight" one says

"How do you know it will lead into a fight" I say

"We just know" the main one says

The rest have looks of regret as if they know something and its killing them that they can't say anything.

"Im Grayson you are" I say

"Im the leader of the council but for short call me darian" he says

"I apprecitae your help" I say

I shake his hands and I don't like the way his touch feels.

It feels wrong I don't like him at all he gives me this feeling I can't quiet put my finger on it

"Well then you must be tired iris can you please show them to there rooms" I say

"This way" she says

They follow her

"Grayson help me" I hear lilith say

"Lil im coming can you hold on a couple more days and I promise you will be fine" I say

"Lilith" I say again

No response

That whole night I couldn't contact her something isn't right

Something bad is happening and I don't know what it is yet

Lilith pov

I woke up with water being poured on me

"Good your awake" I see Daniel

"How was your sleep I wood say it was hell but that would be a understatement" he says

"I know everything lilith I know everything about you I know what you so desperately care about and what you can't lose what a shame I know your weakness" he says

"So chance is the little boys name I think we can start there" he said

"No you leave him alone" I say

"You see that would be to easy for me why not making fun and interesting" he says with a evil glint in his eyes

"Look at the bright side oh wait there might not be a bright side for you but for me I like to think there always is a brightside" he says

"Ill kill you if you touch him" I say

"Awe what a cute little threat you see Lilly you are chained I am not put two and two together sweetheart who has more power here" he says

"I believe that would be me" he says

"You see I still want you Lilly and I won't stop till I have you. can't you see im trying to make our relationship better" he says

"We have no relationship" I say

"Yet" he says

"No never" I say

"Dont aggravate me more than i already am" he says

"You Dont know how special you are Lilly, a powerful special, I want you and i will have you if meaning I must take everyone away from you including your mate"

"Daniel what we had we can't have again its in the past you know what happens when your repeat the past its never good" I say

"Hush up Lilly your just saying that because you Dont think it will work. you Dont think I changed" he says

"Daniel I've moved on i have a mate now,you should move on too" I say

"You will not have a mate for long" he says

"What makes you say that he's coming for me with help" I say

"Not the kind of help your thinking about you see all of this is a game and you and your sister are the main pieces in the game. I know people Lilly and I know my way around the game your mate couldn't touch us even if he wanted he doenst know the way in or the way out you are going to be here forever" he says

Tears start falling down my cheek

He walks closer and starts saying" shush shush shush"

"Im here I will make sure your happy again I will make this relationship feel like the first time we met" he says

"I promise to love you Lilly I want you to be with me forever I will do anything to make sure it happens your mine you were my first and you'll always be my last im ready to change for you to be the man you always wanted im ready" he says

He comes closer

"Let me love you" he says

Brushing his lips on mind

"I Dont love you like I use to anymore" I say

"But you will I promise" he says

"I can't love you because im in love with someone else" I say

"And who is that" he says

"Im-in" I sutter do I really mean everything I feel about my mate

"You Dont know what you want or who you love" he says

"Yes I do" I say

"No you Dont because if you loved you wouldn't be so hesitant to say it" he says

"Im in love with grayson,and I will always love grayson." I say and I mean every last word of it

Now I know for sure that I love grayson

Next thing I know I got slapped and. I felt pain being infilicted onto me everything went dark

And before I welcomed the darkness with open arms

I whisper "grayson help me" I say

Welcoming the darkness with open arms this time,and never regretting letting the darkness in.

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