chapter 18

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Lilith pov

"My little lil where are you" I hear my father said

I giggle from my hiding place

"Where is my baby girl" he says

I jump and say "boo"

He fake screams

I giggle" I was up here the whole time daddy" I say

"Dinners ready honey lil" I hear my mom

"Coming mommy" I say skipping all the way to the house

"Hurry up wash your hands" Mom says

Before I go I watch my dad give my mom a kiss and remember I wanted that kind of love

After dinner mommy tucked me in bed singing me a song

"Sleep my little lil sleep my little lil sleep of a place where you safe and well you are my baby and you are beautiful one day you'll see great evil but tonight you'll sleep and you'll be kept safe and tight sleep my little lil sleep tight" she sings and says

"Sleep my little lil" she says

I fell asleep as soon as she said that

I wake up to a scream

I run saying

"Mommy daddy" I say

I see blood My mother's necklaces I pick it up

I scream" nooooo"

And I hear laughing and someone say "kill her" "kill her"

All I remember was being stabbed and letting the darkness consume me

Then i wake up

"She's awake how did you do it" i hear someone say

"You know the rules you never tell your secrets" i here a guy say

"She should wake up imminent" the one that originally talked

I opened my eyes

"Hey there girl" i hear one say

I jump and backup towards a corner

They start coming towards me

"Its okay we wont hurt you, will never let you be weak again" they say

"From now on you will be called the Lilith" he said

I cry

"Shhh will make you better than before" he says

"My names ryan and this is zack we will be here ever step of the way" he says

He grabs handcuffs with chains

"Now come here and be a good girl and this will be easy or we do it the hard way" the guy name Ryan says

I move and try to run but they caught me

"Okay then its the hard way" he says

With a grin

"Nooo" i say

And then it fades then i see daniel have chance chained

"No let him go" i say

"Lilly im just trying to make our life better" he says

LilithOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz