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§3person Pov§
After Mabel getting all pump up, the ran directly to the shack to tell the other.

Dippers Pov
(Back at the shack). When we had finally reached the shack we burst trough the door not caring it was probably damaged now~!

"Stan~Ford, come fast we have a problem no A BIG PROBLEM" *said Dipper with a kind of depressed voice*

"(F)Yish kid what's going on to make you so depressed and stuff, please quiet down I'm trying to sleep"

"(S) okay what's going on here and why where you screaming at this time of the day kid cause I'm pretty suure you could have woke up the whole town (I don't no if it's a joke or not, but I'm pretty sure it's something)"

"Stan~Ford, he'sbackand hewantstotakeover theworldagainandhe
want,Mabelandmeto choosewhichoneofus sacrificeourlifeto (breath)safetheentireworldfromdistruction. *if you guys didn't get it there it is* he's back and he wants to take over the world again and he wants, Mabel and me to choose which one of us sacrifice our life to safe the entire world from destruction.*

"(S) Wow wow wow, slow down kid now tell me who is that he cause I have no idea what you're talking about"

"(F) yeah kid you just burst inside and scream about a he and the destruction of the world, like Yish"

Dippers Pov
Yeah your probably right I should probably calm down, and explain you everything. *1 hours later*(cause I'm to lazy to write it)
now do you get why me and Mabel where so panicked about it CAUSE BILL CIPHER IS BACK AND WANTS REVENGE BY MAKING US MAKE A SACRIFICE(take's long breath and calm's down). "(F) W-what that's impossible we got rid of him years ago, he can't be alive a made sure of it myself" (after that it was all quiet)........................................................................... (D) well now he's back and wants revenge for what we did 7years ago when me and Mabel defeated him when we where twelve whit you guys and the whole town by our side.
(S) Yeah your right but how did he do to get a human body.

(D) Well he said he made it himself, so doesn't it mean he got stronger from the last time we saw him. (He said in realization)

(S) OH god no, your right if he has enough power to make a human body it mean he got more powerful and mean's he at least has enough power to destroy half of an entire city OR town or the entire world just by himself. (Said Stan panic in he's voice )

Dippers Pov
Well than what are we waiting for let's found a way to stop this while we can, just like in the old time's(smirked Dipper) now Let's get to work.

*Meanwhile deep in the mindscape*
Oh PineTree you really changed since the past few years, but it would break you if I told you that the end is coming way sooner than you think, and when it comes you'll be mine for EVER and ever without ever dying nor even a chance of escaping HAHAHA*the voice said laughing devilishly but still with a human voice*
Oh PineTree I can't wait to see you fall under my rule.

HEY guys hope you like the new chapter I just made, so please give a comment and like if you like, OH and also if it's short don't blame me I'm tired like hell, Now BYE HOMIES.   §

And that's not what Dipper look's like he's look younger doesn't have facial hair and is way hotter, also now he's one of the cool kids so no bully for him has a looooot of friends and is very social with others of his age.

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