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*Narrateur Pov*
After, Bill had helped Mabel get her stuff in place she almost immediately fell asleep.
Using this as a unique chance he took away all her belongings and burned them including clothing (whatever your thinking about this is not gonna happen) and throwing it away making sure to leave nothing behind.
After "cleaning" whatever was left, next he went into Mabel's temporary room and used his magic to change her clothing and move her to a much much darker place where she would never be able to escape nor run.

*Bill's Pov*
Bill placed her on an old mattress that was surprisingly still usable, her white ripped dress that she was gonna wear for now on dangling from the corner of the"very"old bed.

"Oh my, i wonder when was the last time i came here..."said Bill looking at the now extremely old 'Torture' equipment.

"Hmm, B~Bill where I'm i and why is it so dark?" Bill only smirked devilishly getting prepared for a long night.

*Mabel's Pov*
(Mabel's thoughts)
After Bill brought me to 'my' room, he helped me get organized and comfortable, showed me around and other stuff's, but for some reason's he would always stop and start smiling for no reason's it creeped me out, but just shrugged it off just thinking it was nothing"but ohhh how i was wrong" we eventually got back to my room and of course fell asleep, but for a second a thought i had smelled smoke i only thought it was my imagination playing me tricks so i slept. When i woke up it was to meet Bill staring straight at me.
"Hmm, B~Bill where I'm i and why is it so dark..."

"Oh, Shooting Star you finally woke up, it took you a while but it want matter when I'm done"
" what do you mean it want matter and where are we tell me, tell me now!"
"Wow wow wow, Shooting Star easy with the question annnnnnd where actually in a dungeon Wait why I'm a saying where since you're the only one that will be staying HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" said Bill laughing afterwards

"W~what, no no no NO LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME G..." Mabel suddenly stopped as she saw something hanging from the sailing of another sail, it was attached to a rope and the thing or"Person" was hanging loosely (Bill realising what she saw let the way wanting to see her traumatized face looking at the"person" at least what was left) getting a better look she realized it was a person a very skinny person as if he/her had been starving or decompositioning for atleast years, it's skin was rotting and peeling off, it's hair was red from what she assumed was blood we could almost see the bones from how decomposed she/he was, but creepiest was that there was no eye's 'nothing' but from if looked closer we could see them two black circles and one stitched mouth as if she/he wouldn't stop talking or screaming, there where many marks not just many but all over the where everywhere so deep that it pierced almost right trough the bones, little to big cuts and to finish it all the neck was stretched from hanging so long sooner or later the body would end up falling cutting the rest of the distance left keeping it attached to the head he/she had died of suicidal. The only word that could define this person was horrifying.

And Mabel's expression


So guys i know it's a shitty ending and for some people creepy buuut this is part one, part two is coming.

But hey guess what it's night and I'm probably gonna give myself nightmares sooooooo BYE.

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