Chapter Four

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multi-POV | 3:10 pm

After the news had been practically drowned into the two nations,the meeting became...plain awkward. Alfred wasn't able to look at the Russian nation without grumbling,and Ivan was unable to even go five minuets without twitching his eye. It was normal for these unifications to happen,it wasn't like it was a taboo. What annoyed them the most was that it had to be each other. Though,thinking about it clearly,it wouldn't be so bad- no,no! This was a horrible idea,no more discussion.

As the meeting ended,and the countries began to leave,both powers did as much as they could to avoid each other; childishly fumbling with their things until their bosses had called them over. Almost like pouty children coming to their mothers,Alfred and Ivan shuffled over to the men,though wouldn't share a single glance.

"It's funny how you think ignoring each other can eliminate the problems at hand," commented America's president,scoffing a bit.

"Da,I have to agree with you on that. Now,what do you think about our proposal?" Said the elder president,giving a devious grin at the awkward two.

Alfred seemed to stiffen at the question,tanned face ever so slightly turning pink in both irritation and embarrassment. "I'm not on board with it. There's millions of ways to fix our image,an unification isnt-"
The blond was cut off with a small laugh from the Russian nation,who gave him a roll of his eyes. "Being honest," he began, a slightly disgusted look on his face. "As much as I'd love to say I don't agree with him,I do. Unification doesn't seem to be a good idea. If image is the problem,what's so bad about being hated by others?"

The American nation was about to hiss back at the Russian,but bit back his bark at the agreement. At least they were on the same page. "Maybe other treaties or exchanges?" He suggested,earning a pair of laughs.

"You two will dodge this as much as you can,huh?" Commented America's president with a snicker,looking over at his 'partner in crime' with a knowing look. "Hm,the more they deny it,the more it seems to be a good idea. So,shall we begin signing papers?"

Ivan's eyes seemed to widen at this,looking over at the two with confusion,then back at the American with irritation; though it seemed Alfred was in the same state,gritting his teeth with a hateful look. "Sign what exactly?" Asked the European,earning a happy chuckle from his enemy's president.

"You two,gentlemen,have no real choice in this. And said choice has already been made. Say,why don't you go on a date,there's a reservation for you down the street. Start liking each other,because from now on you'll be seen as lovebirds."

"A date?!"
"Love birds?!"
Both nations furiously exclaimed,faces red in a rush of emotions.
"Yes,a date. Now go,the reservation won't last forever." Ivan's boss cooed in a sickly sweet voice,soon exiting the room to chat along with his new 'friend'.
Both nations stood agape at the situation,either afraid to even look at each other. It didn't take long for the American nation to almost go into a fetal position,grumbling profanities under his breath. "Someone so young shouldn't curse as much as you do." Aid the Russian nation,walking over to the door with a blank expression.
Though,this caught the feisty hearted America's attention,growling lowly before looking up at the taller male. "So,I cuss. What's so fucking back about it?" He hissed back,lip twitching as the male simply laughed at him.
"You're really a handful,Amerika,I'll give you that. But maybe that handful can come in handy." He cooed,giving the blond a cheeky grin before leaving.
That bastard! The American was left flustered and irritated,picking up his things before exiting as well. There was /no/ way in hell he'd go on a date with Ivan. Not even if it meant a declaration of war.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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