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"Monday,February 1,2016-"
A small grunt came from a rather irritated blond,gritting his teeth at the sight before him. It seemed he has gripped his pen a little...too tight. Now there was ink all over his documents. Fun,right? Especially,it was fun to have invasions from people who either hate you or are starting to hate you.

This wave of stress hadn't been new to the American beauty,it had more or less turned into a daily conflict for him. Sure,work was stress- and having a nation on your shoulders could break anyone's nerves. But strangely...this wasn't it. It wasn't his job that made him stay up all night,nor forget how to speak properly,or even to breathe- no,it wasn't that. It was /someone/ who tortured his poor heart.

Though,this wasn't a simply "confess and happy ever after" kinda situation. The thing was,the person who made his head spin was also the person he'd carelessly toss into hell of he could. Ah yes,it would be amazing to see his heart's abuser burn where he belonged- but Alfred knew he'd never bear to see that.


"Ivan!" A sweet,humming voice called- seeming to belong to a female. This call was soon responded with a groan. "Yes yes,I'll be there soon."

A large lump moved from under warm,comfy sheets,practically rolling as sore muscles began to ache once more. Platinum hair shone with the sun's light rays that invaded Ivan's little cave from a window,earning a disapproving roll of his eyes.

For the past weeks,A few of the world's most powerful nations had gathered in New York,U.S.A. Yes, very cliché indeed, but when an angry German orders something, you don't really have a choice to care or not. It had been America's turn to present new opportunities and entrepreneur's projects in his own country. Ah,that beautiful,gorgeous,absolutely stunning blond with blue eyes....Ivan hoped he burned in the pits of hell. No,he didn't necessarily have feelings for the nation that humiliated him so many times,it was simply a companion need (at least that's what Ivan wanted to call it.)

Because,why would a nation fall for another? Especially one you despise.

[ oh gooossshhhh this is hella crappy,and I apologize for it! I tried making a small starter/intro for the story,but I'm not sure if the message got through 😰 ]

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