chapter 2

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Suddenly, three men had appeared.
Even though this island is isolated, there's surprisingly life here.
When the men had gotten a good look at us, they froze for some reason.

Mei: u-um...

I stiffened up a little.

Kate: what's going on?

Two more people had shown up. This one had blond short hair and sharp yellow eyes. While the other was a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

Kate: huh? What are you staring at?

When they both saw us they froze as well.
I wonder where they came from?

Kate: ahem...snap out of it, guys.

The other three men came out of their trances and looked at the yellow eyed man.

Man 2: s-sorry. We found them here, so we were just standing guard.
Kate: oh yeah? So they we're alone?
Man 2: yeah. We have found traces of anyone else around.

The yellow eyed man looked back at us.

Kate: This area is part of our dominion. I demand that you two explain were you came from and why your here.

I looked back up at Cadis Etrama Di Raizel. He's not from around here either?

Kate: did I stutter? Answer my question.

I would say something, but no words came out. I wasn't exactly sure what to say. And Raizel looked as if he didn't know the language they spoke.

Man3: are you ignoring him!? Sir, there's something suspicious about them. They may be an enemy.
Yuni: wait a minute!

The little girl had finally spoken up.

Yuni: Kate, you don't need to do this. Try talking to them more. Its not like they attacked is or anything. And look. Their not even armed.

All of them looked back up at us. Proving we really were no threat to them.

Kate: hm...their hands do appear to be empty. But that's even more suspicious. As you know, this is a very dangerous region. You never know when you might be attacked by a monster or a wild animal, and yet their just standing there alone without any kind of weapon to defend themselves. It would be strange not to suspect them.
Yuni: w-well, I guess so...
Man1: could they be from that group of corpses that we just found around here?


Yuni: your right. Maybe they fell behind and ended up coming here.
Kate: well, unless they start talking, well never find out.

The little girl looked back at us.

Yuni: look. Are you two just gonna stand there? Don't make this complicated. Just say something.

I was still a little stumped as to say something. But Raizel....he spoke, but in another language that they couldn't understand.

Rai: sdgk Jaweior
Mei: pfft...

I was about to laugh, but quickly caught myself.
Wait, so when I was talking to him, did he even understand me?
They all looked at each other, confused. Then they looked at the yellow eyed man.

Man 1: s-sir?
Kate: um...well, it's not a language that I've heard before. I guess their not from around here.
Yuni: for now, let's take them back to the village.
Kate: what?
Yuni: we can't leave them here alone. Their not even armed. Look at them. Do they look like they could survive out here.

I twitched my fingers a little in annoyance. I've been around the world and traveled alone by myself plenty of times. I can defend myself. But I stayed silent.

Yuni: are you seriously sugessting we just leave them here?

The yellow eyed man stared at us and was in thought.

Kate: hm...let's take them with us.
Their unarmed. And besides, we can't just leava them here alone, as Yuni said.
Man 1: but...
Kate: out job is to protect the village and it's inhabitants. They may be from another region, but how are we supposed to just walk away from someone in danger when our job is to protect people.
Man 1: but Karr will be extremely upset if you bring strangers into town without his permission. He's been looking for an excuse to scold you lately.
Kate: don't worry. I'll deal with him myself.
Man 1: alright. We'll follow your orders, sir.

The little girl had came and approached us.

Man 2: y-yuni you can't just run up to strangers! Its dangerous!
Kate: it's okay.

I looked at the little girl. Smaller humans were always adorable.

Yuni: excuse me. Its to dangerous to stay here alone so would you like to come with is?
Mei: ...?
Yuni: it's dangerous. so come with us.

She grabbed the hem of my sleeve and tugged lightly.

Man 1: jeeze. How are we supposed to talk to them?

She grabbed the hem of Raizel's short and tugged lightly to him.

Yuni: come with us.

We gave the girl light nods, and the action put a bright smile on her face.

Kate: we've been here too long. Keep moving and stay sharp.
All the men: yes sir!


We've been walking for quite a while now through the forest.
Jeeze, how far away are we?
Its hard for me to stay still a little bit since I'm an impatient person. A few times I was close to hopping away, but tripped over a few stones since I wasn't paint much attention.
I need to relax. This is my only chance for a little peace.
For a while now though, I kept feeling as though Raizel's eyes were watching me.
Suddenly, I felt something bad. I stopped walking, and at the same time, so did Raizel.

Yuni: huh? Why did you suddenly stop? You can't just stand there. We've been out here too long. We have to move....


A giant monster had suddenly appeared out of the trees. It was ferocious, and it only had one horn.
The guard's ahead got into formation.

Man 1: get back everyone!
Man 2: i-it's a monster. I've never seen him before.

The beast had began it's attack and was about to throw a deadly hit. No way those man could survive it. On my instinct, I was about to attack but stopped when the man with yellow eyes stopped it with his sword.

All the guards: SIR!
Kate: I'll handle the monster. You guys protect yuni and the strangers!

Mei: Noblesse's Maiden (noblesse Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz