chapter 9

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Raizel and I were now out of the village and walking the path....alone, I might add.
It wasn't weird or awkward as I though it would be. Its was actually peaceful. I could hear birds and the wind.
But questions still filled my mind of what exactly Raizel is. Its clear that he may be a noble....maybe.
Deep in my thoughts and serenity, I wasn't paying attention to my walkinging and smacked face first onto a tree.
And fell backwards into the ground.

Mei: ow ow head...

Raizel hand lended me a hand and helped me up. I rubbed the base of my forehead.

Mei: ...thank where are we? We've been walking for a while now.

Raizel didn't answer but he looked around back and forth.

Mei: you even know where your going?

Raizel looked down at me. Face as apathetic as ever but I could read it clearly.

Mei: don't know do you?....pfft...are we lost Raizel?

I let out small little giggles but caught myself every time. I saw a small faint of blush appear on his cheeks, and that's when I lost it.
I laughed out loud this time.

Mei: oh man, we are lost. Hahahahaha...this is hilarious. Haha, you can defeat monsters like Kurmark, but you can't even find your way around the forest, haha haha........

I let out a breath of reliefe and calmed myself down.

Mei: okay. I'll help...But please don't make me laugh at this next question...what exactly are we looking for?

He just stared at me more.
He has no idea? Seriously?!

Mei: pfft...okay. I'll hold my laughs on that one.

I hopped up the branches of a talk tree to see over the forest.
The view was absolutely beautiful.
But I continued to look around, till my eyes fell upon a large castle...could that be it?
I hopped back down to the ground and landed on my feet.

Mei: I believe what your looking for is this way.

I pointed in the direction I seen the castle in. I decided to lead the way...wouldn't want to get lost.
We finally arrived and it was bigger than I expected.
What is this place?

Mei: it okay for me to go in there?

He looked at me and simply nodded. He took the lead this time and I followed him in. Till we got to a giant door. It opened on it's own and Raizel began to walk in but stopped when he saw I was hesitant.

Mei: it okay if I stay out here?

Raizel shook his head back and forth.
He walked on in, I hesitated again but quickly followed closely behind.

Lord: Raizel, have you completed your task.

Raizel answered with a simple nod. The man with yellow hair then looked at me, but surprised.

Lord: ah? Who is this with you? And a female. Surprise.
Mei: u-um...
Lord: ah. You have very beautiful eyes, miss.
Lord:.tell me, what is your name?
Mei: name is...Mei.
Lord: Mei?
Mei: yes. Just Mei....I just came to this island a few days ago ....question? Who exactly are you?

They all looked at me as if I said something crazy.

This situation of me coming here has change drastically. I came here to relax and get some peace, but I feel as though things have gotten more complicated for me.

Mei: Noblesse's Maiden (noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now