chapter 13

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I can't keep avoiding Rai's feelings. Eventually I'm gonna have to go back...but I want to continue traveling for a few more days till I've explored the rest of Lukedonia.
I also want to investigate this monster incedent. There's more of them appearing, and I sensed exactly where they came from.
Suddenly I came upon a large wall.
Why is a wall here?


A spear was placed towards my back. I turned my head slightly and saw five men.
The men had lead me to the front of the wall and there was a giant metal door. They opened it and pushed me in.
I looked around. There's nothing here...just open space.
Suddenly three gates in the wall had open.

Now I know what this is...

Three of those same monsters Muzaka cut down had came out of the gates.

This place is a madrid arena...

Mei: ...!

All three of the monsters came charging towards me at once.
With my speed and strength combined, I immediately attacked the one in the middle, kicking it so hard it crashed all the way back towards the wall.
The next one threw a punch at me, but I quickly dodged and hopped up towards its head, and kicked it with brute force, knocking it into the ground.

Now for the third one...

I looked around but couldn't see it. Then I looked up, it was coming down at me.

An attack from above!?

I couldn't dodge quick enough but swiftly I let up my hands and stopped it midair.

Mei: ....

Repositioning my hands around the monster's arm, I slammed the monster to the ground with so much brute force. Knocking the wind out of it's body.

Why are they in here?

Calem: Excellent!
Mei: ...?

I looked up and saw...
A little human boy?

Calem: you will make a perfect warrior in my army!
Mei: ...??


Suddenly, behind me, my hair was grabbed and being pulled back roughly.

Jericho: hehehe. You are obviously not human.

As I did with Muzaka, out of reflexes, I threw an uncontrollable punch and punched this person in the nose.
He immediately let go of me to clutch his nose.

Jericho: oh come on, what was that for!

Basterd got to close.
He's obviously not human either.

Calem: awesome now I got two great warriors on my army!

What is that kid talking about?

Mei:...sorry kid, but I'm a one woman army.
Jericho: you have no choice, so says the royal family.
Mei: ....and if I refuse?
Jericho: them I, Jericho Beserker, will have to kill you.
Mei: ah, so your a beserker...interesting. Fine, I give up.
Jericho: aw that's boring. I really expected a fight.
Mei: ...

The little boy came down and greeted me....more like commanded me though.

Calem: you are now a warrior in my army. Now both of you will help me take down my father's team to take over the kingdom.
Mei: come again?

This child looked no older than 12 years old. And he's talking about overthrowing his father.

Calem: my name is Prince Calem. I'm competing with my father for the thrown. And if I win, I get the kingdom.
Mei: How can a twelve year old child possibly take hold of the responsibilities of an entire kingdom?
Calem: I'll have you know I'm 13 years old!

I wanted to facepalm at that comment.

Jericho: you can't disobey a royal families orders.

I'm engaged to the noblesse and this child thinks I'll participate in this barbaric....
I stopped as soon as I realized my thoughts.

Mei: ....Fine.
They lead me into this so called kingdom. More like a village if you as me. I looked up at the man who introduced himself as Jericho.

Mei: so what are you getting out of this?

He looked down at me with a smug grin.

Jericho: ah nothing. I just like the thrill of war...but this family war seems a little fun so I joined. Its fun to watch humans fight...or even kill each other.

I glared at him.

Mei: I'd expect those types of feelings from a beserker.

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