chapter 14

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I had gained no good energy in this kingdom. I kept getting bad energy.
Gaining bad energy only partially makes me gain life energy slowly. I don't know if it's particularly the humans in this kingdom....or if its Jericho.
I always kept getting strange feelings he's burning a hole in the back of my head.

Maxwell: so these are your two best warriors? And only two? My boy, you'll have to do better than this.

This old man gave me worst feelings than anyone in the room.

Calem; hey, they may not look it but their both really powerful, old man! Don't underestimate me!
Maxwell: against my four warriors...why don't you give up?
Calem: ugh.

I could suddenly sense four people around in the room. I looked around in each corner, and sure enough, there were.
I had to end up staying in the kingdom. Since i've decided to take place in this family chess game of war.
I still didn't like Jericho at all. He keeps staring at me and following me around like a lost dog.

Mei: ...
Jericho: hey, why'd you stop?
Mei: why are you following me?
Jericho: I'm supposed to watch you just in case you don't run says the Prince.
Mei: how that family is even royal is beyond me...
Jericho: ...hey, what's with your eyes?
Mei: ...?

His hand came down and moved my bangs away from my face, revealing my green eye.
Automatically, my hand formed a fist, and I punched Jericho right in the middle of his face with uncontrollable force, knocking him hard into the ground.

Jericho: augh!
Mei: keep your disgusting hands off me!
Jericho: ..hehehe. That was even harder than the first time.

The moment he touched me, I felt so much bad energy being forced into my body. I couldn't help but react violently.

Shiro: ah, what's this? A lover's quarrel.
Mei: ....?

Suddenly, a man with red hair appeared right in front of me, hovering over me. I flinched back because he was entirely too close to my face.

Ren: wow. Her eyes are two colors.

Another man with orange hair appeared on my left side.

Ajin: that's pretty attractive.

Then another one with silver hair appeared on my right.

Shion: pretty weird if you ask me.

My whole body started to shake, not only were they too close, but I kept feeling negative energy being forced into my body. I was so paralyzed by the feeling I couldn't throw any attacks.

Their too close...

Stop touching me...



They all stopped and froze, then they all started to forcefully move away from me.

Mei: none of you have the right to touch me.
Shiro: what an interesting outburst.

I looked over and standing over Jericho was a girl with silver hair.
I took in deep slow breaths and tried to gain more positive energy and calmed myself down.

Shiro: Since the boys would rather be pigs than name is Shiro.

She then pointed in the boy's directions.

Shiro: the one with silver hair is Shion, my twin brother. The one with red hair is Ten, and the one with orange hair is Ajin. We all know, Mr., may we know your name.
Mei: ....
Shiro: not gonna answer?

Now that I'm calm, I turned on my heels and walked away, but was quickly stopped when a sword was placed against my neck.

Shiro: aw, don't be so mean. I want to be girl friends.
Mei: your presence make me angry...get off.
Shiro: ...!?

The girl shakingly lowered her sword, and I walked off.

Mei: Noblesse's Maiden (noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now