Chapter 1

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AN: It's the usual spiel. M/M, don't like don't read, I don't own anything, etc. etc.  Hope you enjoy!

Klavier Gavin was no stranger to waking up with strangers.

He knew the after effects, conditions that only seemed familiar to him. Waking up with a dull, throbbing pain in his skull, reminiscent of whatever alcohol he had downed the night before. Waking up blinking in defense against whatever light was streaming through whatever unfamiliar window, shielding his eyes with such a feeble, trembling hand it was nearly in vain. Looking over at the nearly familiar face sleeping beside him, and falling back on the pillows groaning. The list went on, and Klavier Gavin was certainly no stranger to waking up with strangers.

He hated himself for it.

It was nearly always the same situation, like an arithmetic problem to be manipulated to fit the circumstance. Intoxication plus fame equals one-night stand. Intoxication times holiday equals one-night stand. Fame plus good looks equals one-night stand. Wit times good looks equals one-night stand.

Klavier knew the formula like it was the back of his hand, brushing past the fringe of blonde that fell into his eyes when he leaned forwards to flirt. He knew it, he lived it, he breathed it, and he always ended up on top- albeit not always literally.

Klavier Gavin hated himself for ending up on top. He hated himself for knowing and using the formula. He hated himself for the endless stream of one-night stands, gained only through his luck at coincidence.

Klavier Gavin hated how he was certain nothing could ever surprise him, masterful veteran of the system that he was.

He knew the drill. Wake up, apologize as the need be, stay for breakfast when necessary, be on his way. Try to forget, when he never could.

Today when he woke up, it was all different. The system, the formula, all of it, it seemed, had exceptions.

Exceptions forced him to clench his teeth together, cursing as quietly as he could. He ignored his headache, ignored his hangover, zeroed in on his thumping, pained heart. He despised the new, foreign situation, one he was certain he'd never understand.

In short, Klavier Gavin cursed whatever circumstance had lead to Apollo waking up in the same bed as him.

AN: Sorry for the sucky first chapter, but Klapollo definitely needs some more love. Thanks for reading!

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