Chapter 12

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have episode 12: I Push my Shipping Agendas even Further

"Polly!" Trucy shrieked as soon as she saw him, bouncing on the couch with glee. "You were on T.V!"

"Wha-?" Apollo asked, blinking the sleep out of his eyes as he closed the front door of the Wright Anything Agency behind him. He hadn't slept too well last night, to be honest. Monday mornings were always hard, sure, but last night he'd stayed up thinking about Klavier in the aftermath of the press conference, and-

"Oh..." The press conference. Right. That was televised. "Uhh..." Apollo rubbed the back of his neck. He could feel a blush coming on. "Yeah, I guess."

"This is so cool!" Trucy continued, and Mr. Wright ambled through the doorway clutching a cup of coffee.

"Ah, so he didn't forget us when he became famous," he said, as though Apollo wasn't even in the room. "I feel so loved."

"Good morning, Mr. Wright." Wasn't it a federal crime to be this exasperated before he'd been at work for 10 minutes?! "and I'm not famous. People only care about me because I'm dating Klavier. I'll be forgotten as soon as we break up."

Trucy squeaked at that, and Apollo shot her a glare. "You're gonna break up?!"

"We're faking this, Trucy," he tried to explain, and he hoped the two of them hadn't heard his voice crack at the end. He knew that he had to break up with Klavier at some point, but he didn't feel ready to even imagine it. He tried to pass it off as fact to Trucy and Mr. Wright, hoping that it might convince him too.

Mr. Wright cleared his throat in the background, as though trying to remind Trucy of their conversation about leaving Apollo 's face fell.

"Yeah," she mumbled, and Mr. Wright nodded at her.

"Your bracelet must be killing you, though." Mr. Wright laughed, trying to change the subject. "What with all the lying and pretending going on."

"Nah." Apollo looked down at the bracelet. "I've started to notice, it doesn't really react to acting. I mean, it didn't tighten when a certain someone kidnapped herself..."He shot a telltale look over at Trucy.

"Maybe you were too busy getting your butt saved to notice?" She suggested, planting her fists on her hips. She still seemed miffed at him and his plans for a breakup, especially when objecting to it would get her in trouble.

"Interesting," Mr. Wright interrupted, cutting into the budding argument. "I suppose there is a certain truth to acting. After all, you're telling the truth from the character's standpoint. We might have to make note of this loophole."

"Yeah." Apollo twisted the bracelet, spinning it around his wrist. "You're probably right."

It didn't explain how Trucy was able to see through him earlier. Apollo supposed she just had better abilities of perception than him. Or maybe Apollo was just a horrible actor.

Either way, he still had work to do. He couldn't stand here pondering his bracelet forever. Apollo hoisted up his briefcase and continued his walk to his office, when Mr. Wright interrupted.

"Oh, Apollo, would you mind taking care of this place for a couple of hours?" He called to Apollo's retreating back.

Apollo stopped, slightly confused but knowing better than to question anything at the Wright Anything Agency. "Oh, um, yeah. Sure."

"Not now, starting around four. Trucy and I will leave early to get ready for tonight." He explained, taking a long drought of coffee. It seemed like the very thought of whatever tonight was put him on edge.

"Ooh, are we going to have dinner with Uncle Miles again?" Trucy asked happily, turning to him from her perch on the couch.

"Yep." Mr. Wright replied, still looking a little dazed. Apollo could only marvel at the destructive power of whoever Miles was, if he could fluster Mr. Wright.

"Nice. Have fun on your date," Apollo said sarcastically, stepping into his office and shutting the door. There was no way he was passing up the opportunity to tease Mr. Wright, especially with the last few days at the office.

He tried to think about his case as he nearly tossed his briefcase on the desk, circling around it and collapsing into his chair. This last week had been so hectic, it was almost too much to believe that it was only one week ago that this had all started. In a sense, he'd be glad when this was all over. Maybe he'd finally be able to sleep again.

Apollo opened his briefcase and returned to working on his case, happily losing himself in it for a while. There were no fake boyfriends, mysterious exes, or odd families in it- for now, at least. This was a Wright Anything Agency case, after all. It'd probably turn out that the prosecution's key witness was an alien who used mind-control to force the defendant into doing it or something. That, or the defendant was secretly a cabbage. With the hair, Apollo wouldn't really put it past him.

"Uh... Apollo?"

Apollo looked up to see Mr. Wright standing in the doorway, rapping his fist against the door. "Can I talk to you?"

Apollo sighed. He knew better than to expect anything but trouble when Mr. Wright walked into his office, but the man seemed genuinely concerned about something. Hehad been a little jumpy earlier.

"Sure," he said, putting his pen down. Mr. Wright avoided eye contact. "What's up?"

"Well, I don't want Trucy to know just yet, but," he was speaking rather quickly, as though he was trying to spill it all out to Apollo before he lost his nerve. "I'm thinking about retaking the bar exam."

"Oh!" Apollo finally made eye contact with him, taken aback by the news. "Wow! That- that's- congratulations!"

He wasn't sure if he believed it. Phoenix Wright, the legend, had been nothing but a lethargic poker player for so many years, and now he wanted his badge back. Maybe finally nailing Kristoph had something to do with it, but either way, Apollo was jumping for joy. It'd certainly help his workload, at the very least.

Phoenix laughed. "It's none of my doing, to be honest. Miles has been pushing for it, and... well, I think it'd be better for Trucy."

"Miles?" Apollo asked.

"Miles Edgeworth," Mr. Wright clarified, pausing for Apollo's gasp of recognition.

"The Miles Edgeworth is helping you get your badge back?!" Apollo very nearly yelled, grinning manically. "That's awesome!"

"Yeah," Mr. Wright said, leaning into the door frame with a small smile on his face. "He says he won't marry me until I do. I think he's just trying to develop a sense of humor, but it probably couldn't hurt my chances, right?"

"W-wait... are you serious? You two are- you're going to propose?!" Apollo sputtered, trying to tie the thoughts together. Phoenix Wright, courtroom sensation, wanted to marry Miles Edgeworth, the man he'd saved from being the demon prosecutor?

"Yeah. I'd like to be a better role model for Trucy. She needs two capable, sober parents, and..." Mr. Wright trailed off, tilting his chin downwards as though to hide his blush, "well, I love Miles."

"Yes!" Apollo pumped his fists in the air. "Do it!"

Mr. Wright laughed. It sounded much more real than usual, as though he genuinely felt good. "Glad to know you're on board. Just- don't tell Trucy yet, alright? I needed to get that off my chest, but nothing's finalized yet. Hell, Miles could even say no."

"He won't." Apollo reassured him. "Now go study! You need that badge back!"

Mr. Wright left the room, muttering to himself with a smile. "I really did like showing it to people, actually..."

Apollo didn't have the heart to ask him to shut the door.

narumitsu ok

thanks for reading

next chap will get even more shippy someone stop me

next chapter: enter the trash king

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