Chapter 3

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Hey look, it's chapter three! Hope you guys like it!

"No," Apollo said, repeating the word for what felt like the billionth time. "No. I am not taking your motorcycle."

"A little late for that, ja?" Klavier asked, craning his neck in an attempt to lock eyes with the defense attorney seated behind him.

The motorcycle they were on wasn't going very fast yet, rolling along in a comfortable cruise until they reached the street. Not that it mattered to Apollo of course, who had been alternating between grumbling and a panicky shrill since Klavier had first suggested they take his motorcycle. Neither were certain that Apollo's bike helmet would work on a motorcycle, but, as Klavier reminded Apollo as he helped the short attorney onto the hog, they didn't have much of a choice.

They turned onto the road, picking up speed, and Klavier could have sworn he heard Apollo mumble instructions to keep his eyes on the road. He laughed a little, leaning into the rumbling machine and tightening his grip on the handlebars. He needed a distraction, something to tide him over from his former activity of trying very hard not to notice Apollo's decision to wrap his arms around his waist.

Although, he found himself thinking as he turned onto the appropriate exit, all things considered, this went rather well. He'd been certain Apollo would hate him, flattening him under a barrage of steely yells, frighteningly accurate perception, and who knew what else. The calm, matter-of-fact attitude was more than Klavier had expected, and frankly more than he thought he deserved. His chances with Apollo may have been destroyed when he drunkenly crossed this boundary, but at the very least they could probably remain friends. It was more than Klavier could have hoped for.

They pulled up at the agency two minutes shy of 8'o clock, and Apollo leapt off of the motorcycle nearly instantly.

"Herr Forehead! Careful!" Klavier barked, trying to navigate his helmet around his messy hair and off of his head. He didn't even think they'd stopped moving yet.

"Ack, I'm fine," Apollo yelled over his shoulder. "Thanks for the ride!"

He disappeared behind the Wright Anything Agency's door, helmet tucked under his arm and mouth already opening in an apology to Mr. Wright. Klavier sighed bitterly down to his motorcycle, already missing the warm weight of Apollo's arms around his waist. Apollo's departure seemed rushed, almost as though the attorney was trying to escape. Maybe their morning after hadn't gone as well as Klavier had thought.

He shifted back to a comfortable seat on the hog, slipping the helmet back over his hair. It was a frizzy, flyaway mess, deprived of the time or materials Klavier needed to twist it into the usual spiral. He'd probably have to run to the office bathroom, and grab a clip from his desk to get it into acceptable territory.

Luckily for Klavier, his office wasn't located very far from the WAA. It was a minute long ride there, plus a bit to park his hog and leave the helmet hanging from the handlebars, thumbs hooked into his pant pockets and humming Guilty Love. Klavier burst into his office five seconds after eight, making an instant beeline for the reclining chair in the back.

He fell down into the chair, leaning back and exhaling heavily. As far as Monday mornings went, this was probably one of the worst. Not that hangovers on a Monday were new to Klavier, especially with the medication he kept at the office, but everything seemed tense. Even the first meager seconds of peace he had today were a lie, his reclining position a cover for swirling thoughts and plans for damage control.

Later, Klavier would wish he appreciated those last few days more before his phone began ringing off the hook.

Sorry it's a lil short, chapter 4's probably going to be much longer and really start to get things going. Thanks for reading!

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