Chapter 25

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 thank you for sticking with me through 25 chapters of this trash. that is a quarter of 100 can you even believe this what am I doing here

Apollo had read somewhere that the human brain dealt with rejection the same way it dealt with physical pain, and for the first time in his life, he truly believed it.

He'd googled his and Klavier's relationship status for who knew what reason (people had given it one of those celebrity ship names, Klapollo, and damn was it adorable), going into the news tab of google for what was probably the first time.

Lo and behold, Klavier had probably been planning to break up with him the second he walked into the Wright Anything Agency. He'd released a statement already, claimed every article and post Apollo could find, and it was very nice and professional. He spoke very highly of Apollo, and claimed that it was a mutual end, something they both agreed upon, and they were still friends.

Apollo snorted. Cute. If it was so mutual and accepted, then why was he sitting here, scrolling through countless comments and posts with a bowl of ice cream in his lap?

...yeah, it was a cliché, but go figure. It was the first thing Apollo could think to do when everything really started hurting, and ice cream always tasted good. He'd raided the Agency fridge almost immediately after Klavier left, and somehow had been able to look past Mr. Wright's alcohol. He guessed he didn't really want another hangover. The ice cream was sticky though, and it dripped easily, but Apollo didn't care. The chocolate did make him feel better, even if it reminded him of that ice cream him and Klavier had shared at People Park-

No. Apollo shut his eyes. He couldn't be reminiscing. Somehow, the happier the memory, the more painful it seemed now. It was almost like looking at them with a new tint, something that made them the opposite of what they had seemed at the time. After all, Klavier had been faking it. He'd never really cared about Apollo like that.

Apollo shoveled another bite of ice cream into his mouth. It was freezing cold. Good.

He sighed, bitterly. He really needed to get over Klavier. He couldn't pressure the guy into a relationship with him if he didn't want it, and he wasn't entitled to anything from Klavier.

It just hurt, so goddamn much- especially since Apollo's solutions for feeling bad usually involved Klavier in some way, shape, or form.

Apollo felt on the verge of tears. He could remember how this had all started, at that party...

"Dance with me?"

Apollo looked up, and suddenly felt covered in a cold sweat. Was the room constricting? He was pretty sure the room was constricting. At the very least, there had to be something in the air making it harder to breathe.

Why did Klavier Gavin always elicit this type of response?

This was worse than usual. Apollo hadn't been expecting him at all, and now here he was, leaning in with a grin and kind blue eyes. Apollo was so sure they ran in different social circles, he never thought he'd run right into Klavier at a party. He didn't even go to parties that often, though for the life of him, between the alcohol and Klavier's warm smile he couldn't tell you whose party this even was. All he knew was that some slow song had started, and it was his cue to sit down for a bit- he never got asked to dance. Until now, apparently.

Apollo downed another shot. Might as well take what confidence he could get.


Klavier's face lit up like Apollo had never seen it light up before, and Apollo was fairly sure he was going to go blind. It was almost as though Klavier wasn't expecting this, as he grabbed Apollo's hand and dragged him off. Apollo stumbled after him, the lights were burning into his eyes and the music was so loud he could feel it thumping in the floor. It all paled in comparison to Klavier, though, looking over his shoulder to shoot another smile at Apollo. Thin strands of hair had escaped his hairdo, frizzy and highlighted in the color changing lights. Apollo couldn't stop staring into his eyes, wide and open as always, reflecting a busy scene in bright blue. Klavier Gavin was simply captivating, in the rare moments when he allowed his gleaming smile to reach his eyes.

Fitting, how Apollo was being pulled to dance through an intoxicated stupor, and all he could think about was how goddamn beautiful Klavier was.

They stopped moving and began to dance, Klavier's hand on Apollo's waist and twitching to pull him closer. Apollo was only too happy to oblige, nearly tripping over his own feet in an attempt to touch more of Klavier.

"Herr Forehead," Klavier laughed, falling into Apollo slightly. Apollo was laughing too, alcohol made it easier to control his blush and crippling embarrassment.

They swayed together, each holding the other close, hoping that the man opposite was too intoxicated to care. Besides, each of them reasoned to themself, some self-indulgence couldn't kill them.

Maybe they could even make a move.

Klavier rested his head on Apollo's shoulder, and Apollo's heart began beating funny. One thing lead to another, and Klavier's lips were drifting towards his, looking soft and gentle and kissable as always-

Apollo exhaled with a small grunt, though it barely made any noise, choked in tears. He shook, clenching his eyes shut, hoping the darkness would drive the memory away. Anything to make it go away.

It felt faraway now, tinged in something that made it feel unbearable. Apollo couldn't even think about it without feeling like sobbing into his ice cream.

He barely even noticed as the door opened, Trucy bounding into the room and beginning to talk very loudly. Apollo supposed she was addressing him.

"Wow, Polly, you sure are taking this breakup badly!" he heard her chirp, and Apollo felt too tired to even mind the insensitivity. Mr. Wright was probably parking the car; it looked like Trucy was his responsibility for a second.

Of course she knew already from her fan sites, of course she'd start yelling about it the moment she walked in. Would it be too much to ask for Mr. Wright to have lectured her again on the car ride over?

Trucy folded her arms behind her back, bouncing on her feet. "The way you're acting now, it's almost like a real breaku-"

Her eyes met Apollo's, and he was glaring rather intensely. Trucy thought better of what she was about to say. "Oh."

"Yeah," Apollo spat, stabbing his ice cream with his spoon. Trucy winced in sympathy.

"Did you tell him? About... how you really feel?" Trucy asked, approaching him carefully. Apollo's head dropped to his hands.

"Yes," he groaned. "I told him everything. He just... doesn't feel the same way."

"Bullshit!" Trucy said rather animatedly, and Apollo jumped.

"Trucy!" He yelped. "You can't-"

"He totally likes you, Polly!" Her brow furrowed, hands planted on her hips. "He's probably just being stupid!"

"We both are." Apollo admitted, laughing a little. "We're both being so stupid."

Trucy's brows knitted together further as Apollo punched the sofa pillow, shill shaking- though with laughter or sobs, he couldn't tell. Probably just hysterics. "I was stupid to think Klavier Gavin cared about me at all."

"No, this is stupid, Polly." Trucy nearly growled. "Moping around and feeling sorry for yourself won't fix anything. You've gotta fix things!"

"There's nothing to fix, Trucy!" Apollo fired back. "He doesn't love me. I can't do anything about that."

Trucy's facial expression softened, and she sank down on the sofa next to Apollo. Her hand rested on Apollo's shoulder, and her voice softened. "Polly..."

"I'm fine." Apollo sniffled, leaning closer to her. "Totally fine. I'll be back to normal by Monday, promise. Just... I miss him."

Trucy squeezed his shoulder. "Take your time, Polly."

Apollo nodded. He could do this. He couldn't lie to Trucy, so now he had no choice but to heal.

He'd be better on Monday.

thanks for reading the latest installment of klapollo sin see u next time

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