Chapter 21

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more fanfiction ayyy hope u enjoy

Apollo had to admit, this concert was ages better than his first one.

And it wasn't just because no one was murdered here, either. Klavier seemed more personal this time around, with more time to himself and more time to tell himself to the audience. It felt less like a cheesy band and more like an artist to Apollo, now that Klavier was just sharing the stage with his guitar- or rather, he was during this number, and Apollo's previous favorite, The Man with No Name.

Just thinking about it made Apollo want to hum the chorus. The man has no name, 'cause he stole mine, and me. Say what you will about Klavier changing between concerts, but his skill at creating catchy melodies hadn't changed a bit.

This one had started out slow, though, and at first Apollo had wondered if it was a reprise of It's Nothing to You (but it's Everything to Me), or one of the other million sentimental songs Klavier had written. It was to be expected, of course, Klavier had a "boyfriend", after all. Except... this didn't feel completely like a media cover up, some of the phrases and melodies felt real. It certainly felt like too much to be written in the meager time they'd been "dating", even though Apollo knew nothing whatsoever about songwriting. Apollo tried to stop himself from wondering, but... what if Klavier had been writing those songs before they started "dating"? Could he really be attracted to Apollo? It'd be an explanation better than alcohol and the party for why he slept with Apollo, that was for sure.

Apollo sighed. He couldn't keep on trying to convince himself like this. Klavier hadn't wanted him to move in, and then there was earlier, when he'd pushed Apollo away instead of kissing him. Obviously, this was one-sided, and Apollo couldn't forgive himself if he took advantage of their situation.

This song was beautiful, though, with high, vibrating violins and the lingering notes of things Klavier had sang before. It just kept on building, layering over itself in a way that made Apollo shiver. Klavier was almost talking over himself with the echoes, pitches blending together to feel heavy and threatening.

"I've got these puppet strings on me," Klavier was cupping his microphone now, a prop he'd added for this number alone. "(They itch)," chimed in the background vocals, as Klavier took a breath to begin again.

"They rub my ego the wrong way, but I can't fight,"

"(I'm scared)" The background seemed whispery now, only getting quieter and raspier.

"I'm too scared to take them off," Klavier continued, and Apollo nearly couldn't believe what he was hearing. The lyrics felt too truthful to be an act, and it all added up with everything he'd seen over the past couple of days. It felt plain weird to hear Klavier's innermost thoughts aloud, as though he was reading Klavier's diary or something. Apollo hadn't ever thought Klavier this much of an exhibitionist, plainly lying out the truth about his relationship with his brother in front of thousands, millions. The mere memory of Kristoph was enough to render Klavier a sobbing mess a few days ago, and now he seemed composed, singing comfortably to everyone there.

Yet it felt more natural than any way he had attempted to explain anything to Apollo before, so bare and honest and personal that it was impossible to deny. The music made sense, weaving in and out of Klavier's voice to paint the most telling story Apollo had ever heard. He understood what he was hearing, and it reminded him of his own experiences with Kristoph- because damn, the man could be convincing, and pleasant when he wanted to. It felt too easy to do something for him, no trouble at all to do anything for him.

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