Chapter 24

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I am merely a melodramatic person who listens to melodramatic music and writes melodramatic shit


Apollo nearly couldn't believe his eyes when Klavier Gavin, of all people, walked into the agency. It hadn't been more than an hour after Mr. Wright and Trucy left to go engagement ring shopping, and there he was, striding through the door. It felt amazing to see Klavier again, and even more so to see him alright. Apollo had been so worried, and then mad at himself for not being able to check up on Klavier. This was a relief on too many levels.

Apollo flung his arms around Klavier's neck, hugging him tight. His head came to rest on Klavier's chest, rising and falling slowly. Apollo's cheek nestled into Klavier's warm skin, and he sighed. Klavier smelled like soap, probably because of his clothes, but it was a nice soap, smelling faintly of cinnamon.

It took a bit for Apollo to realize that Klavier wasn't responding, whether pulling away or hugging Apollo back- anything, really. He was standing still, muscles locked in place.

Apollo stepped backwards, scanning Klavier. His clothes looked fine, so did his face, just as pristine as usual. Nothing was rumpled or torn or scratched, it didn't look like anything was wrong on the outside- not that Klavier had a great track record with his injuries being external.

"Is something wrong?" Apollo asked, standing on his toes and brushing a lock of hair out of Klavier's face. His hand drifted down to Klavier's cheek, joined by another to cup his face. "Are you ok?"

"Ach. Apollo." Klavier's hands gently took his, guiding them down from his face. Apollo wanted to protest, but he didn't want to pressure Klavier, and either way, he was holding Klavier's hands. They were warm and soft, except for the rings pressing into his fingers.

"Klavier?" Apollo asked. He was acting weird, even for Klavier Gavin. Maybe something was wrong; maybe he'd gotten hurt somehow. Apollo swore, if anyone had hurt him-

"We've been dating for, was, 3 weeks now, nein?" Klavier asked, and Apollo could tell he was nervous- he was using more German than usual. Apollo nodded, though, it was all he could think to do. Where was Klavier going with this?

"I think it's enough to satisfy whatever doubts people would have about us," Klavier said, taking measured breaths as though to control his voice. "And certainly, with my solo career, there's more than enough for the press to focus on."

Apollo could feel his face fall, and something cold grip his heart. He froze, disbelieving. This couldn't really be happening, could it? He'd known this was inevitable, it had been from the beginning, but it had felt like something that would never actually happen.

"Are you... breaking up with me?" he managed to choke, voice breaking. His chest felt empty all of a sudden, and there was heat building up behind his eyes. Don't cry Apollo, please don't cry.

Why was it that thinking that only made the heat build more?

"Apollo?" Klavier asked, whatever stony façade he'd been wearing when he came in breaking. His brow creased, and his blue eyes bore into Apollos'. "Mein gott, schatz, are you alright?"

Apollo ripped his hand from Klavier's, wiping his face. No tears yet, he couldn't believe his luck. "I..."

He didn't know what to say.

Klavier squeezed the hand he was still holding, concerned eyes still looking into Apollo's. Apollo could feel the question hanging over them, the last thing he wanted Klavier to ask. Both of them were thinking it, he knew it, both of them were asking it. You were faking it, right? This was fake. You didn't suggest this just to get closer to Klavier, did you? That would be awful of you.

Apollo could feel himself breaking down, body racked with heavy breaths. "I... I wasn't faking it, alright? I do actually care about you. I... I can't think of a good way to say this, but..."

Apollo breathed carefully, trying to slow his heart rate. He'd spewed everything up until now, and he could feel Klavier getting more and more suspicious. He had to come clean now, and just say it.

He looked up into Klavier's eyes, and they were as blue and gorgeous as ever. Apollo could feel tears welling in his own, and he wished he could stop crying before he even started.

"I love you, Klavier."

Apollo couldn't believe he'd actually said it, and he felt so relieved he could have started laughing then and there. A weight was off of his chest, and now it felt so unnervingly empty he didn't know what to do. His heart was shattered and the dark cloud hanging over him had vanished, and he was so light there was a danger of him drifting away.

Klavier sighed, brushing his hair back. It looked almost like Apollo had passed the weight to him, with how his shoulders drooped. Apollo internally melted. He'd been afraid of this.

Still... there was room to hope, right? Klavier had slept with Apollo, and then there were the songs at the concert, and the mementoes from their dates, and his smiles at the dates themselves. He'd been so carefree and happy when they were together, there seemed to be no way Apollo's feelings were unreciprocated.

Klavier opened his mouth, and Apollo steeled himself for whatever he was going to say. He didn't think it was necessary, though. Evidence was everything, and all the evidence said that Klavier had feelings for him, too. There had to be a happily ever after to this, they'd been through so much together. They'd fought Kristoph together, teaming up in court as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Then there was that night, a week ago, where Klavier had put himself in Apollo's hands- he trusted Apollo, enough to admit things to him that he'd admitted to nearly no one else.

Apollo closed his eyes for an instant, inhaling. They deserved a happy ending, for all they'd done for each other.


"I'm sorry, Apollo."

Apollo's eyes snapped open, to see Klavier, face ashen and eyes cast downwards. Apollo couldn't help but think that was an odd way to start a love confession, and the sinking feeling in his stomach reminded him that maybe it wasn't.


"I... don't feel the same way about you." Klavier shook his head. "I don't."

People really needed to stop describing hearts as broken, because that's not how it felt at all. Apollo's heart felt more than broken, like a gigantic void, or a black hole. It felt so gut-wrenchingly painful that it was unbelievable, like Apollo was being forcibly divided by zero. Something that couldn't happen, and yet, here it was, grinding him into countless shards until he became dust.

"Goodbye, Apollo."

Klavier dropped Apollo's hand and headed for the door, and Apollo felt too broken to let it do anything but swing uselessly. He watched silently as the door shut behind Klavier, pleading with himself to move, to say something, to do something, anything.

It was all he could do to keep on watching. Everything felt wrong, and out of place. The room felt too hot, his clothes and bracelet felt too tight, and it felt like the world was coming crashing down on him.

Apollo Justice felt defeated.

so I heard some of you guys liked this thing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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