Chapter 8

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Evangeline walked into the designated Avengers living room to find all of them there, waiting. When Steve saw that Natasha wasn't with her he shot up and pushed her into a wall.

"Where is she?!" He demanded, worried for his fellow teammate.

Evangeline chuckled but had a solemn face on. "She's back where I left her. She should be back soon though."

Clint came up behind Steve and pulled him away from her. Evangeline sat in a chair and sipped tea from a teacup that appeared out of nowhere. Everyone who didn't like Evangeline was glaring at her, still waiting for their fellow teammate and friend to come back.

Five minutes, later Natasha strode in and looked around until her eyes found Evangeline. She visibly relaxed and then was bombarded by questions from the Avengers. She held up a hand and went into the kitchen to get a drink.

She came back with a beer in her hand and she sat down next to Clint. Again she was asked multiple questions. Where were you? Did Evangeline do something?

Natasha explained everything that happened and they all looked over to Evangeline. She had finished her cup of tea and had thrown it into the wall where it disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

"Where did you send the family?" Wanda asked curiously.

"I sent them to my safe haven. Salutem. Speaking of I should really get going. Need to get them settled in and everything."

She began to open a portal and stepped into it. Before the portal could close, Steve, Wanda, and Natasha entered behind her, leaving the other Avengers just standing there, shocked.

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