Kiss the Girl

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“Katrina March! Wake up this instant!” Called my little brother Danny in a high pitched fake posh voice.

“Go Away!” I glowered reaching out to teach him a lesson. When Danny's twin Louise came bowling in, getting on my bed and jumping on top of me lisp-screaming “It's your first day!” more enthusiastic than I was. They both got up jumping on my bed like jack rabbits and Lou pegged me  right in the stomach “That's it!” I cried throwing back the covers quickly Dan and Lou scampered off like the little gremlins they are. They shouldn't be in my room! Harper… I raced out of my grey green room, bashing my leopard print door and marching to my brother's room. The door clattered from the many beer bottles and cans blanketing the floor I heard a groan from the direction of his bed.

“Good party?” I asked in a sour sarcastic say-it-I-dare-you way.

He crept to the door “What party?” He laughed to himself, looking obviously hungover and without a shirt. It professed in eye liner 'Casey Walter's PARTAY ROXZ oxoxox Lindayy' okay it didn't have 'Casey Walter's' name but that was the big party that was on last night I assume that's what the writer meant. I raised an eyebrow at the smudged an scrawled words then a female groan came from the bed and got to the door in a similar state I recognised her from my brother's high school.

“Lindsey,” I greeted the obviously prolific writer.

“Kat,” She rasped back.

“Good party?” I smiled sweetly

She was fooled “Hell yeah it rocked! You wish you could see your brother now chugging that-.”

“Harper,” I interrupted “You're grounded!” I shouted at him “For a week!”

“What but Kitty-Kat!” he chased after me begging for forgiveness “I love you I'm sorry,”

I stormed to my room crying “Get the twins some breakfast already!”

I slammed my door.

You may be wondering why I'm doing the disciplining because well, we have no parents. Our Dad and mum apparently did a flight in the night. Leaving us to our own devices our grandpa stepped in for a while, looking after us all but Harper and I had to grow up and fast. By the time grandpa has passed on, Harper was old enough to kind of 'adopt' us, now he's our legal guardian. I'm the disciplinarian because Harper's too soft (or too drunk). Today is my first day of private school, it’s a deeply Christian school, although they don't force the religion on their pupils, they try to 'inspire' them. They heard about our 'misfortune' because Harper and I were both missing school to work to keep the house running. So they granted  me a scholarship and the twins when they get of age, and pay our bills and groceries spare money comes from Harper's after school jobs. This act of charity. Is why we have promised, to attend the school and not miss a day.

My clock beeped obtrusively, I mustn’t be late either! The uniform required you wear just the school blazer so I threw on a knit dress, washed my face, did my make-up, my eye-liner accentuating my cat-like eyes. Apparently my parents always called me 'wild Kat' and that's why my door is covered in leopard print, my Dad painted it. I wrinkled my nose at the idea of the deserters “Should be shot on sight,” I grumbled to myself, although I didn't mean it. I brushed my rich honey blond hair, that fanned out to my jawline.

I smeared same tinted lip gloss on my dark red lips. I put on some long socks with lace at the top and put on my luscious thigh-high boots and let the lace peep from the top. I threw on a kitch choker with small spikes and some long black beads. I threw on the blazer, and grabbed my leather jacket and went down to the kitchen I heard a knock and a couple of beeps, the beeps were my ride, the knock for the twins. My brother looked me up and down, he was sitting on the island as the kids rushed to answer the door.  “That's a uniform?” He chocked sitting in his white shirt, striped red and black tie and trousers. “You can't go like that!” He looked furious. “You're only 16!”

“You're only 18 and my age has nothing to do with this!” I stuck out my tongue,  grabbed some toast and ran to the door, grabbing my bag as I left. As I got close to the door I heard the twins shouting. I swung around the corner, and sure enough. My rich, private, charitable school had supplied me with a black limo to drive me to school and back every day for the foreseeable future. Ruth from next door gave me a look of pity, she was like out aunt, she and her husband Mark never cloud have kids of their own, they used their savings for treatment, and they had Grey, who is now the same age as the twins. But they always wanted a big family, so they often come over here, bring Grey to play with Lou and Dan and take the kids to school, we're very close. Mark is a bit of a man's man very muscled because he's an ex American football player although he's a massive softie on the inside. Like a second family. I trudged down to the car, a smart looking chauffeur got out, wearing the school's emblem, an angel holding some random green crystal on his lapel. He opened the door for me and off we rode to 'St.Wate's Academy for the Gifted'.

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