Who ya' gunnah call?

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I carefully unfurled my timetable it read Maths: room N204 first disgust ran though me, than relief. Nothing strange was weird about this school apart from the snobby rich kids, but you get those everywhere. The layout of the map was simple there were four wings, all with numerical numbers, you could easily work out what kind of class you were going to have just by knowing the room I had gathered after walking though hallways coated with maps, Geography section. Limericks pepped the walls of the English section as I gazed past, I was moving slowly, the halls were empty. I felt a pang of guilt for not turning up to Mr Mc'Kinnerk's lesson, but I passed on though to the 'Maths section' Another brand new looking pine door proclaimed 204 'Ms Frigg, a creep of dread washed over me. I pressed down the handle and walked in, before I even got time to introduce myself I heard a warm Scottish voice, (##for anyone who knows anything about Scottish accents, it's glaswegan I'd say##).

"You must've gotten lost pet,"The voice came from a plump woman with a warm smile russet cheeks and deep hazel eyes, they got so dark in the middle, it looked like she didn't have irises. I dismissed it. I was starting to think my encounter with the principle was all in my imagination.

"I put your new books at the back love, you can take either seat, they're both free." She was soft and welcoming, I instantly felt at ease.

I scanned the back row there was only one empty seat, not two but I thought nothing of it, and didn't correct her. I made my way toward it, I got glances of curiosity and sniggers but nothing I hadn't gotten already. I sat down next to a mass of dirty blonde curls that stuck up wildly. The guy sitting next to me didn't even raise his head from the desk as I drew near. Or even when I sat down. I took my books , the page number helpfully scrawled on the board, Wrote my name as one does as neatly as possible on the front.

The class was something I'd already done at my previous school; plotting graphs, and re-plotting graphs; relaxingly repetitive. The boy next to me stayed asleep on his desk, not once did he even move

My mind wandered to my encounter with John; Werewolf, he said. I wanted to ask so many questions. I was starting to doubt it, this whole supernatural thing. 'Maybe you imagined it' said a wicked part of my mind. But I couldn't deny it. I'd sat there in front of Principal Wate, a mirror image of the woman in the painting. 'Maybe they're related' a part of me said and another darker part said 'Maybe they're the same person' all my instincts screamed it was so but I had to deny it. My Thoughts trailed off thinking of all the books in there and of John. I suddenly recalled a book, the one I touched: 'The Mating of Werewolves'. I wanted to read it. Suddenly the bell rung crisply. My curiosity took over and I looked to where my sleeping companion should have been. However there was nothing but thin air. I searched the room, people were already filing out. I suppose he must move quickly, I thought. I scrabbled for my timetable; Science. I kept my head down on the way there I was already getting used to the chatter I knew I'd become old news soon, the sooner the better. When I'd gotten across to my science class, in time. I saw the room fill, and surely enough, at the back the dirty blonde mop was face down against a desk at the back already.

I saw the room fill until two empty seats remained, one of which, right next to him. I didn't mind him, he was unobtrusive. But it was almost like someone had planned it. I thought of the principle, maybe they had. The idea made me a little uncomfortable. But as a large hulking man came though the door; My train of thought was lost. His face was rough with scars, he held a hard look and had bleached looking hair. I realised he was in a suit that looked almost silly on him. I could only wonder why someone who looked like a pro wrestler was teaching in a high-school; yet another reminder of where I was. I thought bitterly. I greeted him quickly he was helpful though curt, he seemed like a teacher who didn't say more than necessary and I welcomed it he pointed me toward the blonde mop.

The lesson droned on, again nothing I hadn't done before, I was top of the class at my old scool, and here I was mid-range, just how I liked it. The teacher got called out of class by an office worker, and the chatter erupted suddenly, I surreptitiously glanced down at the guy next to me, nothing.

"So what should I call you? Called a confident voice in front of me. I hesitated, then looked up. The smile seemed welcoming, but I was suspicious. This girl had the longest silvery hair I'd ever seen dyed I presumed. Her eyes were as bright as limes. She had a lively look about her and seemed eager to get to know me. She was fairly tall and had a star shaped chocker hung around her neck that rung when she moved, she was covered in stars all over with rings and on her clothes, her Blazer had star badges all over it and her grey jeans also had little stars all over them some sewn on, some drawn.

"It's Kat," I said wearily.

"I'm Aura, and this is Lilith" she jotted a pen to her neighbour the first thing you had to notice was her deep red eyes, contacts, I thought to myself. She had a sharp asymmetrical fringe and the rest of her long jet black hair was up in a high ponytail. She had a small friendly smile on her amazingly red lips, her skin was really pale. She was very tall and very skinny almost like a supermodel. She wore a grey and black loosely fitting dress that was torn in numerous places that stopped mid thigh and I could see she had on fishnet tights.

"And you'll be meeting Ali in a second," Laughed Aura and right on cue the science teacher's booming voice cried "Ali!" The whole room flinched at his outburst from outside the door. The room hung in silence for a moment and I heard Lilith mutter "What has she done now."

The door opened And a reluctant face was smeared on a short muscular looking girl with dark tan sin her eyes were a bright yellow honey and bouncy warm brown curls framed her cute features. The sleeves of her Blazer where torn and she wore just a tank top and scraggly torn jean shorts and some beat up looking converse. I recalled how cold it was this morning and shivered thinking of being dressed that lightly. She hopped toward the last empty seat what was on the other side of the room ura waved but Lilith just tutted and rolled her eyes, Ali stuck out her tounge at Lilith and class resumed. Aura turned back towaed me and whisperd "Can we talk at lunch?" I nodded and thought of the principals office, we could probably go there, I wanted that book.


Writer's Note

Aura is pronounced 'Ah-ooo-rah', and is a Greek goddess of the morning wind, Lilith is a vampire- like Demoness figure, although the history is complicated now she's become more a figure for the untimely death of a child. I wanted to find a fire goddess for Ali, but I couln't find one that appeased me. So I decided on a warrior-esque name. Ali means 'truthful warrior' and I thought it suited her character. The names have light links to their ghoulish categorizations but aren't a clear description. I like to leave a little to the imagination. I'm also British, and have never attended an American high-school so if I make any mistakes regarding grades or such, please inform me. I know the first rule of writing is to write what you know, but I decided to completely ignore that and scan a couple of wiki articles instead.

Lots of love



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2012 ⏰

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