Tentative Can

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Writer's note

sorry for not updating in over a month! my internet was cut off, look forward to more frequent updates from now on!


John's P.O.V.

After the bell rang I set off to find her, I mean no-one ever leaves that woman's office, I've never seen anyone go in and out again apart from staff, I mean only a couple of students in the school even know what she looks like.

Suddenly her scent hit me but it was laced with salt. “Crying? Who made my baby cry!” I sniffed the air, trying to make out where she was, the school's barriers were weak, and I could easily locate her, somebody is fooling themselves if they think that barrier is doing any good. A normal high school like this one shouldn't really have a barrier like this one, I could tell it'd been so strong it would've turned the normal members of my pack as strong as humans. Apparently the schools founder was some obsessive with the occult. So found out a way to make such a barrier. I don't see why she didn't fall for the silver thing though. A load of hoodlum. The full moon though, very true.

I was catching up, she was running fast, luckily the forest wasn't too deep. I could feel her despair when she hit the outside wall, I just saw her slam into it and slide down in tears and hiccups. Up close she was even more beautiful but it was the saddest thing ever, a crying angel. I got closer to her, and squatted to get closer to her face, “Hey,” I said in a hushed tone, trying not to startle her. “Are you ok?”

She looked up at me like a scared deer ready to bolt, she squeezed her eyes shut, and let her head fall back “Oh god,” she sighed, seemingly unhappy to see me. I raised an eyebrow at her, questioning. She took a glance at me, she covered her eyes again lazily but I saw a small grin play at the corner of her mouth “Don't give me that cheeky look Mr campus king, men like to gossip,” I chuckled she was crying, then calling me cheeky, I like it. “Not me,” I said with a beaming smile, “Are you going to tell me what's wrong and who did it?” -So I can kill them I added mentally.

“You really don't like gossip?” She said, ignoring the question but sounding honestly curious.

“Yep.” I nodded.

“You're boring,” She quipped. I laughed at her, she cracked a sly smile.

I tried to earnestly look in her eyes,“What happened?” She suddenly looked away, and sighed. “Who are you?” She said not rudely. I chuckled lightly. “What not used to people not knowing your name Mr Campus King?”

“I'm John,” I said smiling, brushing off her comment. She smiled half-heartedly at hearing my name, seemingly in thought. She made her decision, her eyes bore into mine, even slightly red-rimmed her eyes captured me, like a boa to the music. I was the beast and she the enticing melody. I tried to rid my head of the comparison it being too like reality for me to take. She shifted closer to me, she was about to speak, but closed her mouth again and pursed her lips, hesitation in her eyes. I smiled lightly, I was too curious and too mesmerised by her lips to really care what came after.

She shifted, looked around, leant forward and whispered to me “And what are you?” My eyes flew open, how did she know? Without knowing what we are how. I wanted to be completely honest with her, tell her right away. Little doubts began sprouting, what if she gets in trouble? What if she's scared? But my mind kept relaying reasons to tell her as well. I looked back up at her, she was carefully inspecting my expression. Something flashed behind her eyes, she laughed weakly and got up like a bolt, “I was only joking,” she chuckled trying to act as if nothing happened.

She quickly wiped away her remaining tears and tried to stride off toward the school, which you could just see though the thicket. I couldn't let her go like this I need to stick her to me somehow. I grabbed out for her arm, I caught her and swung her around to face me. “I'm a werewolf.” I proclaimed I desperately peered into her eyes to gauge her reaction. She gasped, and seemed to search for it on my body and behind me. As if a ghost of what I am lingers at my feet for her to see. I continued to explain to her face, filled with thousands of questions. However her lips spoke none. “My pack come here too.” I gently let go of her arm. And it limply fell to her side.

“Should I be scared?” she quietly asked. She didn't look scared, she looked actually curious, I laughed “That's a matter of opinion, are you scared of me now?” my heart beat faster, hate I could deal with, fear, is much more difficult. She shook her head lightly “Nope.” I smiled at her, tension hung in the air.

Something seemed to jolt her out of the awkward silence that had us tied together “I'm a human, by the way.”

What the hell, why wouldn't she be? My brow creased “What do you-” RRIIIIINNNGGGG The bell loudly interrupted me. Kat looked from me to the school, “We better get to class,” she said hurriedly, and slipped away from me though the trees.

Kat's P.O.V.

I rushed though the trees and instantly got faced with the flow of students going to their second classes,.“They're students, like me, not monsters. people.” I told myself I took a deep breath and dived in.

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