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Writer's note 

I hope you enjoy, I tried to make it dramatic, but anyhow please show your love if you like it! 


Kat's P.O.V. 

So I ran, silently at least. I'm running as far as I can, as fast as I can. To anywhere that's not here!  


I went to see the Principle, the large wooden door loomed in an already massive hallway. It was peppered with red gems and a gruesome image of unrecognisable creatures stalking though a wood. There were wolves and men with fangs, claws an dark glowing eyes. I looked down at the map. The red dot in the middle of the 'T' junction of almost identical corridors, off-white with a light avocado green with pine boarding and pine doors, all looking like they were built yesterday. I was still wishing this wasn't the principles' door, when a small sign announcing this was the place, banished all hopes. I knocked on the looming door meekly.  

"Can I help you?" A male voice asked politely from my side, I shrieked and jumped. He laughed at me a deep, hearty laugh. "There's a smaller door over here," He said guessing what I was thinking. He had shiny jet black hair that was loosely wavy that hung over his eyes, one was a rich brown, the other an ice blue. He had a face I dare admit to be devastatingly handsome, with a square jaw and those unusual, piercing eyes. He seemed older than me but not by much, probably one of the young teachers. He wore a light grey suit with mint green piping, white shirt and a black tie. His eyes said he was cool and amused at my reaction, a slight teasing smile playing his lips. He stood back, relaxed.  

"May I help you?" He said again, he had a strong British accent that took me aback. 

"I was told to see the principle," I explained.  

"Well your in the right place, and you are?"  

"Katrina March," I expecting the seemingly normal reaction of surprise.  

He stared at me blankly. 

"I'm a new student," 

Still blank, his brow creased in thought, trying to recall. "You look too old for a freshman." 

He just wasn't getting it. "I'm the new transfer student!" I cried, exasperated. 

His eyes widened "Ah, yes of course," he paused as if he had difficultly saying it "The transfer student." 

I smiled, "Is she busy?"  

"Oh no, right though here," he lead me to the little mini door, I can't believe I didn't see it when I was inspecting the carvings. "You're in my class actually Katrina-." 

"Kat," I corrected  

"Kat, I'm very sorry for forgetting your name, I'm so forgetful, I'm Mr Mc'Kinnerk I teach you English lit," He smiled at me teasingly "Just don't scream whenever I say hello, might ruin the class dynamic." He laughed at my expense some more. I was suddenly in front of a massive desk that almost filled the room, of lush red carpet all the way to the door, I looked back,when did I cross that expanse of carpet? I wasn't moving that fast. I saw Mr Mc'Kinnerk disappear behind the closing door that was left behind me. A large portrait hung so the side of the desk reading 'The school's founder.' There was a tall woman, with long curly brunette hair and grey eyes she was dressed in a blood red dress with black lace and jewels everywhere but more than anything, piles and piles of books. The room I was in was huge and filled to the brim with books, scatted all over the place. I peered at some of the names of some of the closest books the spines read: 'The Migratory Patterns of Snowmen' another one said 'Do's and Dont's of Faerie Dinner Parties' and 

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