Day 4

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Suzuya awoke and bursted from his bedroom towards yours, "(Y/n)! Good morn-" he looks confused at your already made bed.

"She's gone out" Seiko pokes her head from the bottom of the stairway, "I'm off too, make sure you go to work!"
The door closes.



"Haruna?" A lady in a white coat calls from an open door.

You lay down on the cold lined bed,
"Hello again" the lady smiles, the same lady that discharged you from this very hospital.

You smiled awkwardly in return.

"So, today I want to check over how far along you are, check the measurements and make sure the heartbeat is strong. I imagine it has been hard for you for these couple of days?" She says lifting the hem of your top and tucking a towelette into your lowered pants.

"I'm trying not to think about it"

She laughed, "Well how about you don't for now?" She squirted some blue cold liquid on your tummy and began to scan your womb.

"You drunk plenty of water I see, that's good... alright let's see here..."

She measures and screenshots her findings and compares her notes.

You can't see much and so far are feeling fine despite everything.

"It looks like your are 6 weeks along, everything seems to be well and I see a faint but strong heartbeat"

You can only simply nod.

"I'd like to see you in about another month, I'll print these off for your keepsake and we'll make another appointment"


You walk out of the hospital staring at the glossy prints in your hand.

You feel numb.

Your walking along the sidewalk and hear a rather disturbing noise behind a building, you look around to find a teen boy hovering over a bloody corpse. You gasp aloud.

The teen, covered in blood, spots you and pulls himself into standing position. "Hey there beautiful, would you like to join me for lunch?" He slumps over to you.

You begin to run back around the building but are caught in the attempt to leap around the corner.

Your pushed against a back fence.

The teen sniffs you over,
"You smell extra delicious, unlike other humans, I might just let you live" he licks the side of your neck.

"Please stop!"

"Mmm such a sweet cry... come on now. Your coming with me" he lifts you bridal style, covers your mouth with his blooded hands to which you can barely breath.


You squirm in hope to lose the bonds around you. Your hands tied around a hook that's hung from the ceiling.

The place is surrounded in weird creepy masks.

Footsteps draw closer to the entrance and the teen enters.

"Mmm such a greeting fragrance!" He exclaims happily locking the door behind him and placing a shopping bag on his work bench.

"I bet your hungry" he digs in the bag and pulls out a cup of instant Ramen, some rice balls and candy bars.


He heats up the bag of noodles and a fork then walks towards you.

A fork of wound noodles is presented to you at your mouth.

Although you had watched him make it, you thought it to be poison.
He knew this.

"I would have no sense to poison you, I need you alive"


"Your blood"

"My blood?"

"Your blood is strangely more inticing than other human blood, it's alot sweeter. I'm into savoring such tastes, so I need you alive"

"Why don't you get it over and done with?!"

"Shut up and eat" he pushes the fork into your mouth, you eat it.

Another is served one after another, suddenly the fork in stabbed into the side of your neck causing you to scream out in pain, the male instantly covers the wound with his mouth and sucks on the area drinking in your blood.

He pulls away in noticing your not eating and gives you a glare.

Your forced to eat the lot as well as the rice balls. At the end, your full and can't eat another bite.

"Heh, you have quite an apetite for such a small girl.. that's suprising"


"Good. Stay quiet. I wouldn't want anyone to hear you. If you do I'll tap your mouth shut" he withdraws and goes about his work at his desk.

Your neck throbs, lingering in dry saliva provided by the thirsty ghoul.

Your no fool, you know one when you see one devouring another lifeless body.


He finally finishes the mask he is working on and puts it on a manikin head. "What do you think?"

You stare at him blankly without a word

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You stare at him blankly without a word.

"Come on now, I just worked a straight 2 hours just now"

So that's how long you had been standing there, your legs were so numb.

"I'll answer if you let me sit down"

"Huh?... OH DEAR GOD! where are my manners?" He fetched a chair and went to a crane on the wall which lowered the hook that held your arms up.

"There. So....? What do you think?"

"It's creepy"

"You think?!... good, kinda what I was going for I guess" he smiled and put in down and started on another.


Suzuya hurried home after work eager to see you as he hadn't seen you all day.

Little did he know his excitement would be cut short, "What's going on?" He asked the police art the front door.

"Suzuya!" Seiko cried out,
Suzuya's brows lowered like he would cry at the drop of a hat.

"(Y/n)... she's missing!"

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