Caught in his Stitches II

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Your mouth gaped open as the pain spread through your chest down above your right breast.

Seeing the revealed flesh Suzuya cried and panicked insanely,
"(Y/n)! PLEASE!"

You fainted the from the pain.

Suzuya's eye balled.

"(Y/n)... (Y/N)!!"
Shaking he picked you up bridal style and ran faster than ever with you through the crowds the passing gazed the moving vehicles and into the doors of the hospital.

"SAVE HER!!" Suzuya cried demandingly


A doctor came out of your room putting Suzuya to his feet.

"It was a deep flesh wound. We've stitched her up and guess she fainted from the pain"

After this Suzuya rushed to your side and held your hand tightly in one hand and rested his other upon you stomach.

He sat there staring solely at you, his main and only focus.


You felt groggy and sore as you drew consious. As you opened your eyes Seiko popped into your vision.

As you drew a breath you went to place your hand on the area of pain only to find your tightly evolved hand in Suzuya's who looked to have fallen asleep with his head on the bed.

"He's been worried"

"I bet... Um... how is she?" You looked to your belly.

"She's fine. Nurse said there is nothing to worry about"

"How long was I out?"

"18 hours exactly... it's 2 in the morning"

You stretched your neck and looked at Suzuya.

"He's not left your side since you came out of treatment, so they say"

You looked at her, "Seiko?"

"Yes dear?" She pulled up your fallen sheets.

"What of my father?"

"Why would you ask about that?" Seiko stood crossing her arms with a painful look in her eyes.

"I remembered something about him"

"Oh..? So you want to find him now? Is that it?"

'She seems... different, somehow'
You thought wishing to withdraw your question. You balled your hands at your side.

Much to your wishes Suzuya rubbed his head into the bed and looked up to see you staring down at him.
"(Y/n)!" He captured you in tight hold, "I'm so glad your awake!"

"You mean this isn't heaven? I'm not dead?" You tried to lighten the mood.

It failed.

Suzuya looked completely crushed.
"I thought I lost you"

"I'll let you two talk" Seiko stepped out of the room

"I thought you'd never look at me again I felt like I could be sick" he pouted, "you don't know the kind of things I started thinking at the thought of life without you! Dammit (Y/n) I want to lock you away in a cage to keep for myself!"

"Suzuya, I-I'm sorry"

Suzuya forced you to look at him,
"You think I want to hear your sorry!? Say you love me dammit! I want to hear - I have to hear you say it!" He pleaded while climbing on the bed and hugging into you his head up in your chest.

Caught In His StitchesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang