1.: The end is here

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Warning: This may contain some explicit stuff, such as adult material and drug use. Please, do NOT read this if you hate stuff such as drug use, sexual content, and even/or even cussing. Thank you!: *Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are enjoying themselves, but they encounter an old fiend* Ruby: "Torchwick?!" *Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang ready their weapons* Torchwick: "Aah... Well, well, well... If it isn't Red, Ice Princess, Kitty Girl, and Blondie... " Blake: *Confused* "Uhh... How did you know that I'm a Faunus?" Torchwick: "Remember? The rally?" Blake: *Mad* "Well, it's still not very nice!" Torchwick: *Smirks* "Well, good luck... " *Points his cane at them, and shoots* *Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang then fight back, but Torchwick disappeared* *They're each looking around* Blake: "We lost him!" *Torchwick appears, and points his cane at them* *Shoots* *Ruby is shot, and collapses on the ground, causing a scare* Torchwick: *Lowers his cane gun* *Yang rushes to Ruby, and holds her, crying* Yang: "Ruby? Ruby, speak to me!" Blake: *Notices Torchwick running away* *Points at him* "There he is!" *Blake and Weiss chase after Torchwick, as Blake calls for Team JNPR to help* *Blake and Weiss finally corner Torchwick on the rooftop on a building* Torchwick: *Laughs a little* Blake: "End of the line, Torchwick!" *Torchwick then notices he's cornered only on the front and back, but is still able to escape, until he is surrounded on all sides, thanks to Team JNPR showing up* *Atlas soldiers finally arrive, and Torchwick is arrested* General Ironwood: "The six of you did a good job on capturing Torchwick." *Smiles, then gets suspicious* "Wait, where are Ruby and Yang?" *They all look down from the rooftop after hearing sirens, and they notice Ruby is on a stretcher being put in the ambulance* *They're all shocked* *They then get down from the rooftop* Jaune: "Oh, God. What happened?!" Yang: *Looks at Jaune, sad* "My sister got shot in her back by Torchwick." *A tear falls from her eye* *Meanwhile, in the Beacon Academy clinic* *Tai shows up, as Qrow also does* Tai: *Worried and upset* "Oh, God. Please, tell me my daughter is ok! Please!" BA clinic nurse: *Looks at him* "Don't worry, her pulse is still there, just... The bullet went through, but luckily just hit the back part of her ribcage, which stopped the bullet. It looks like she's drank enough milk to develop bones strong enough to stop the bullet." Yang: "Wait, but how did it knock her out?" BA clinic nurse: *Looks at Yang* "I really don't know, we just saw the x-ray, that's all. Just be thankful she's still alive." Qrow: *Worried* *Drinks his whiskey from his canteen, then puts his canteen away* *Mad* "Whoever shot my niece, is going to die!" Yang: *Looks at Qrow* "It was Torchwick. We were minding our own business in Vale, until we ran into him. He ran off, and we couldn't find him, and that's when the incident occurred... " Qrow: "Torchwick, huh? Well, then... I'm going to find him, and kill him." Yang: "He got arrest when Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren cornered him." Qrow: "Where is he being held at?" Yang: "I don't know. But General Ironwood should know." *Later, at night* *The nurse is doing everything to take care of Ruby, as Qrow is there, keeping an eye on Ruby, along with Yang and Ruby and Yang's father* *The three are sleeping* *Tai and Yang wake up, and decide to take a walk* *Qrow is still sleeping* *Three patients die* *The nurse and staff are alerted* *The patients then get up, but one started eating the nurse's arm, and later her torso* *Another one started eating another staff member, as the third one was killed, as the other two that started eating the two staff members were killed* Ozpin: "What the fuck just happened?!" Goodwitch: *Turns around and pukes* *She then wipes her mouth, and refuses to turn around* *General Ironwood is called in, and he brings several Atlas soldiers to investigate* Ironwood: "What the fuck?!" *Him and Ozpin look at eachother* "And you said that these same patients died?" Ozpin: "Yes." *They both look back at the corpses* Ironwood: "And they started eating, too... " *Shocked* "Wait- I know what's going on!" *Looks at everyone in his perimeter* "These, these were zombies." *Gunshots and screaming are heard from outside* *General Ironwood looks outside, and is shocked* Ironwood: *Turns around* "This city will have to be under quarantine!" *Later* *Ruby then wakes up* Ruby: *Stretches and yawns* *Holds her back* "Ack, my back!" *Tries to contact a staff member, but noone arrives after awhile* "Hmm... That's odd." *Yells* "Hello! Yang?! Weiss?! Blake?! Where is everybody?!" *Notices a note on the desk next to her* *Reads it* *The note reads: "Ruby, we had to evacuate. But just incase you woke up, I left this note for you. I can't say where we're at, since we may evacuate that area, so please, do be careful and whatever you do- Do NOT make any contact with anybody that looks like they are trying to walk, and if they happen to smell bad (They should smell bad because of the heat), but if you know what a zombie is like, then you should already know the do's and dont's, so please, do be careful! -Ironwood"* Ruby: *Shocked* *Later, she walks through the hallway, just outside of the clinic room, and is attacked* "Aah! Get off of me!"

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