Part 5.: It's more dangerous at night

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*Ruby, Merle Dixon, the Atlas soldier, and the driver are on foot, on their way to the Schnee palace* *Later, they then finally arrive at the Schnee palace* *The Atlas soldier knocks, and then Someone opens one of the doors* Winter: "Ahh... You brought the truck driver back, but no truck... "Atlas soldier: "The thing broke down on our way here." Winter: *Notices Ruby, and smiles* "Ahh... Ruby. My sister, Weiss, along with your sister, Yang, and your friend, Blake, have been hoping that you'd be alright. Oh, and your dad and your uncle have both been very worried about you." Ruby: *Smiles* "My friends, my uncle, my sister, and my dad are alright?!" Winter: *Smiling* "Yep." Tai: "Is my baby girl really he- " *Notices Ruby, and smiles* *Ruby also looks at him and smiles, and they both start hugging eachother* *They both then stop hugging eachother, and then they all go into the palace* Winter: *Looking at Ruby, smiling* "Ruby?" Ruby: *Turns around to answer Winter* "Yes?" Winter: "Weiss, and I, made you a plate of nice, warm cookies after I learned that you would return. And you've came here just in time!" Ruby: *Happy* "Wow, really?!" Winter: "Yep." *Turns around* "Weiss? Will you bring the plate of cookies in here? Ruby is here!" Weiss: *Excited* "Really?!" *Walks into the entrance hall with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Ruby* "Ruby? Where do you want these?" Ruby: "In the dining room?" *Looks at Winter, as Winter smiles at her with approval* *They then enter the dining room* *Two minutes later, Ruby finishes the entire plate of cookies and the entire glass of milk* *Winter notices Ruby finished her milk and cookies, and also notices her stretching and falling asleep with her head on the table, sleeping* *Winter then carries Ruby to a bed in one of the rooms* *She then covers Ruby with a blanket* *In the morning... Merle Dixon wakes up, after hearing something on the comm radio* *He then answers it* Merle: "Hello?" PVT. Thompson: "Hello? This is PVT. Thompson, who am I speaking with?" Merle: "Merle Dixon." PVT. Thompson: "Well, is Winter Schnee there?" Merle: "Yes she is, hold on... " *Merle Dixon then lays down the radio* *Goes, and then, wakes up Winter* Winter: "What?" Merle: "Some guy named PVT. Thompson is on the comm, and I think that he wants to speak to you?" Winter: *Rushes awake* "Who is it?" Merle: "PVT. Thompson, he said." Winter: "I'm going to answer it." *Winter then rushes to the comm* *She then picks up the radio* Winter: "Hello, are you still there?" PVT. Thompson: "Hello, is this Winter Schnee?" Winter: "Yes, why?" PVT. Thompson: "Because, we've noticed that you have alot of people in your palace. So, how many evacs will it be?" Winter: *Smiling* "About seven! Make it eleven, just incase!" PVT. Thompson: "Affirmative!" Winter: *Hangs up, and is excited* "Yes, yes, yes!"

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