4.: What happened to the world?

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*Ruby is cutting the man's hand off* ???: "AAAHHH!!!" *1 minute later, Ruby successfully removes the man's hand, and gives the man something to cover his hand wth, and leaves the area with him* *Later... * *They then crash land into a city* *Ruby is unconcious, so the man then remembers that she saved him, so he then returns the favor, and carries her into an abandoned grocery store, and lays her on a comfortable couch, then lays against the couch* *Later... Ruby then wakes up, and noticed it's morninf, and notices the man* Ruby: "Hey, thanks for saving me." ???: *Wakes up, and looks at her* *Smiles* "Well, goodmorning, kid." Ruby: "I don't think we met yet, so... My name is Ruby Rose." Merle: "And my name is Merle Dixon." Ruby: "Can we get out of here? And can we look for some food?" Merle: "Yes." *They both then get up and search for food* *Ruby then finds a pack of cookies* Merle: "Did you find something?" Ruby: "I found a pack of cookies! I love cookies!" Merle: "Well... Ok. We'll take what we can find. And go ahead, and eat while I search for some more food and anything to kill those things out there with." *Ruby eats the whole pack of cookies* Atlas soldier: *Opens the door* "Is anybody there?" Ruby: *Scared* Atlas soldier: *Approaches Ruby's direction* "I will not hurt you!" *The Atlas soldier then arrives in Ruby's spot* Atlas soldier: "Ruby?" *Ruby is startled and looks at the Atlas soldier* Ruby: "How do you know who I am?" Atlas soldier: "Your dad was so worried, that he had General Ironwood send us out to patrol any part of certain places to find you just incase you ever happened to wake up." *Ruby gets up* Merle: "Hey, don't hurt her!" Atlas soldier: *Looks at Merle as Ruby looks at Merle* "Hurt her??" Merle: "I am from Atlas. We do not harm inoccent people." Merle: "Ok, then." *They then leave the place* Atlas soldier: *Contacts General Ironwood* "Sir, I have found Ruby. She's up and walking, and there is a man trying to keep her safe." Ironwood: "Understood. Now, get her on the truck, and bring her to the Schnee palace for refuge." Atlas soldier: "Yes, sir." *Hangs up* *Zombies are heading towards them* *Gets Ruby and Merle on the truck, and then gets on the truck, too* Atlas soldier: "Start the truck, and get us out of here!" Driver: "Understood!" *Starts the truck, and then drives off as the Atlas soldier is shooting at the zombies* *Later, at night, while on the road... * *Ruby, the Atlas soldier, and Merle Dixon are sleeping* *The truck then breaks down* The driver: "Goddammit, not now!" *The driver then exits the truck to check the engine* *Lifts up the hood and checks the engine* *Smoke comes put of the engine* The driver: *Coughs, then closes the engine back up* *Gets his handgun ready, as he approaches the back of the truck* *Gets in the back of the truck, and puts his hand on the Atlas soldier and shakes him to wake him up* Atlas soldier: *Wakes up and sees the driver* *The driver stops shaking him and gets his hand off of him* Atlas soldier: "What?" The driver: "This truck is done for. I think the truck is now shot." Atlas soldier: "Aah, dammit... Alright, I'll wake the girl up, and you wake the man up, ok?" The driver: "Understood." *They then proceed to wake Ruby and Merle Dixon up, then Ruby and Merle Dixon then wake up, and the Atlas soldier explains the situation, so they all then exit the truck, and head to the Schnee palace on foot*

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