Chapter 1: Tobin

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It's funny...

How things turn out to be.

Sometimes... It's something you've never imagined.

My name is Tobin Powell Heath. And this, is my story.


This is not gonna be your stereotypical love story that's for sure. I wasn't suicidal, I didn't have "daddy issues", I didn't think that jumping in front of a truck would solve all my problems like dumb fictional characters. I was just a normal girl, with a sorta normal family, and a normal crush... At least it was normal to me, but some people wouldn't agree so much.

I was born in New Jersey and moved to L.A when I was 14. I met some pretty cool people and they turned out to be really good friends of mine. I'm 17 now, in high school. Well, almost. summer break ends today and tomorrow is the first day of school, and let's just say I'm not very exited but I'm really looking forward to playing soccer with the team again.

I grew up in a wealthy family but we aren't stuck up like a lot of rich people. We try to donate as much as we can and help everyone in need. Growing up in that kind of family made people think that if they will be nice to me and kiss my ass then they would be popular or something. To me it's just stupid. So, I decided not to go running around telling people I was rich, not exactly a secret but just not to yell it from roof tops, you know?

I have 3 siblings, 1 brother and 2 sisters. Katie, Perry and Jeffry. And we're not always fighting. We love each other.

My family is kinda religious but they aren't close minded and are actually very liberal and excepting. Growing up in a heteronormative family doesn't give you much confidence to come out to them but I did.. Last year, with the support of my close friends who are also in different sides of the spectrum. They were a little shocked but they said it didn't change who I am. And I can't thank them enough.

Right now I'm long boarding across L.A. I found it very relaxing. Plus, tomorrow I go back to school and I gotta exploit every minute that's left. I finished my ride and went back home. It's already late and I have to wake up early tomorrow so I think I better go to bed.


I get up to the sound of my alarm, I shut it off and go to get ready for school. School sucks but at least I'm with my friends. I took a quick shower, fixed my hair, put on clothes and went out of the house to my bike that my parents got for me for my 16th birthday. The drive wasn't long and before I knew it I was already in the school hallways. I went to the main office to get my schedule and my locker combination. I felt my phone buzz as I was walking to my locker and pulled it out.

Kelley texted me.


Kelley is my best friend. She supported me in everything, no matter what. She's also gay and she plays soccer too. And she knows about my family and it didn't change anything for her. That's one of the things I love about her.

Squirrel: where you at?

Me: school. Next to the lockers.

Squirrel: two minutes and I'm there.

Me: cool

Two minutes had gone by and Kelley was there. How does she do that?

"Hey Kells."

"Hi Tobin!" She said and gave me a big hug.

"Kelley I missed you too but I kinda need to breath." I said jokingly.

"Oh sorry." She said and let me go.

"Oh shit I forgot! I need to get my class schedule! Bye Tobs!" Kelley said and ran to the main office.

The rest of the day was a pretty normal first day. Getting to know the teachers and what we will learn. Then, it was my favorite part of the day. Soccer practice.

I went on the field with Kelley and breath in the freshly cut grass. We go to where all the girls are and wait for the coach. Today is tryouts and I'm afraid I won't make the team. I hope I will though.

"Girls!" The coach yelled. She picked up a ball that was on the ground and held it at her side.

"Welcome to soccer tryouts. Unfortunately not all girls will make the team so if you want to make it you better impress me." She said and brought her clip board in front of her.

"Ok, we will scrimmage for today. Morgan Brian, Ashlyn Harris, Tobin Heath, Meghan Klingenberg, Julie Johnston, Alex Morgan and Kelley O'Hara team blue. All of the rest team yellow." The coach said and threw a box of blue and yellow shirts for us to wear.

About ten minutes after we started someone scored. Giving us the lead 1:0. I didn't see who scored because I was with my back to the goal. I was really out of it today and I don't know why. I decided to pour some water on my face to try to get my head on the game. After I poured I used my shirt to wipe the water from my face exposing my abs.
I notice Alex staring at me and I smirked. She probably realized I caught her because she looked away and ran to get the ball.

Me and Alex are... I don't know. We flirt and tease each other a lot but I don't think there's more to it. I mean she's smoking hot but I don't know. I think she's straight, she had that obnoxious boyfriend Servando. Until she finally realized he's an ass and dumped him.

By now the scrimmage was over and our team won 2:1. All of the girls piled into the locker room. I saw Alex there and gave her a smirk.

"What?" She said, confused.

"Nothing... Just didn't know you liked abs." I mumble the last part.

"What was that?" She asked, smiling.

"Nothing. I gotta go. See ya." I said and went out of the locker room. I got on my bike and drove home. This is gonna be a long year...

Word count: 1055

Song for this chapter: Melanie Martinez - Tag, You're It

A/N: Hey! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this fic! If there are any mistakes please let me know so I'll fix them.
Vote, comment, follow and whatever.

Peace! ✌️


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