Chapter 1

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In Domino

Yugi Muto, the King of Games and the Shadow Prince was wearing a black leather jacket, a dark red tank top and black leather jeans. Right now, he was in the middle of a shadow game with a murder. The murder had just killed his his mother two hours ago and had stolen his god cards. Yugi had gone and hunted him down while Solomon waited for him to come back.

They had played for the god cards and the man had cheated. Yugi smirked evily as he stared at the man who was now freaking out when he saw the smirk on Yugi's face. It wasn't really something that anyone sees from the Yugi Muto and to the man, it was pure evil!

"Penalty game!"Yugi yelled, his eyes were blood red as he yelled this."Mind Crush!"Yugi growled out.

The eye of Horus was shining on his forehead as his hand shot out and a blinding light surrounded everything around them. When it died down, the man was on the floor, unconscious while Yugi looked to where sun was starting to raise. His dark clothing changed to his school uinform, his eyes changed back to amethyst and the eye of Horus disappeared. Sighing, Yugi turned and left the man lying in the dirt, where he belongs.

'Mother... Look after Atem for me.'Yugi thought with a sad smile as he walked back to the game shop.

A Week Later

At Night

Yugi looked up at the school that he was going to before walking in. Yugi sighed as he thought about Ryou and Malik who had gone back home to England and Egypt. He missed them dearly and wished that they had stayed. He made it to the headmaster's office but froze when his shadows began whispering to him. Blinking a couple of times, he tried focusing on them and no one else.

'What the fuck!?! Vampires!?! Are you serious?'Yugi questioned them, raising an eyebrow at the shadows that nodded before the door opened and Yugi looked up to meet redish brown eyes.

"You must be Yugi Muto?"Yugi nodded and the older teen gave a small smile."Come in, the Headmaster said that you would be coming."

Yugi gave a greatful nod and walked in to see the headmaster and two other students. Yugi looked back at the older teen back at the girl that resembles the older teen before shrugging. Looking at the other teen in the room, he noticed the look of disgusted in his eyes as he looked at Yugi. Sighing once again, Yugi looked over at the Headmaster who smiled kindly at him.

"Headmaster."Yugi said, nodding to the man. The Headmaster's eyes widend as he stared at Yugi, thinking that he was so cute that he suddenly leaped on Yugi and brought him into a tight hug

"AWW! Yugi! It's been so long since I last saw you! You look so much older and more mature now! Oh how I've missed you!"Yugi suddenly went stiff before he quickly pushed the headmaster away and glared at him.

"Is he... Always like this...?"Yugi asked and three nodded before the girl suddenly shook her head no.

"Well not really but he does get a little emotional..."The girl said, smiling."I'm Yuki Cross by the way and this is Zero Kiryu and Kaname Kuran."Yugi nodded to the boys and gave Yuki the best smile he could master.

"It's nice to meet you all and did you say your last name is Cross?"Yuki nodded and smiled back.

"Yep! I'm the Headmaster's adoptive daughter."Yuki answered and Yugi nodded before looking at the headmaster.

"Sir? I don't know what dorm I'm in so if you don't mind?"Yugi asked and the Headmaster smiled.

"Of course Yugi!... Ah! Here it is!"Yuki's, Kaname's and Zero's eyes widened. It was a Night class uniform. Yugi seemed to noticed but didn't say anything as he took the uniform.

"There's a room over there where you can get changed."Yugi nodded and walked to where the Headmaster pointed. Once he was out of earshot, Kaname turned and glared at the Headmaster.

"Kaien, what are you thinking!? He's a human."Kaname said, he wasn't worried for the boy but he was worried for his people's existence.

"I agree, won't it be better if he was in the Day class?"Zero said, frowning and the Headmaster sighed, becoming serious.

"I'm afraid that Yugi can't be in the day class. He may be small and look like a human but he isn't human. His grandfather, Solomon Muto told me in his letter that Yugi is immortal. I don't know how or why but you must stay out of his way at night and whenever he asks to you to. Besides that, Yugi is a night owl and a early bird so he'll be in the Night class and Day class but will stay in the Moon Dorm."The three students could only stare at him in shock before Yugi walked out in the Night class uniform.

"So... You know my secret..."

"What the hell... Do you have super hearing or something?"Zero asked, eyes narrowed and Yugi smirked.

"Nope. But I do have shadows."Yugi answered, holding out a hand and a ball of shadows appeared in his palm.

"They love to tell me things... Including the fact that Kuran-san is a vampire."Kaname narrowed his eyes and glared at Yugi who's smirk widened as the shadows disappeared.

"How about a deal, Kuran-san?"Kaname's eyebrow rose but other then that, he waited for Yugi to continue.

"If you lot let me do as I please during some nights then I won't tell anyone that you're immortal or about your people."Yugi said, staring at Kaname, never looking at the others.

"And what is it that you would be doing during some of these nights?"Zero asked suspiciously and Yugi looked at him.

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